1. Rukaya burdened us with sorrows
When her caravans passed by drunk
١. زَوَّدَتنا رُقَيَّةُ الأَحزانا
يَومَ جازَت حُمولُها سَكرانا
2. With scents of evening from Kudaid
And gifts arriving at dawn from Osfan
٢. رائِحاتٍ عَشِيَّةً عَن قُدَيدٍ
وارِداتٍ مَعَ الضُحى عُسفانا
3. Making the garden bulbs in their sleeves
Dance on the roads and on the violets
٣. جاعِلاتٍ قَطائِفَ الباغِزِ الخُض
رَ عَلى الساهِكاتِ وَالأُرجُوانا
4. If you say they are from the tribe of Abdeshams
Perhaps that would be true and was so
٤. إِن تَقُل هُنَّ مِن بَني عَبدِ شَمسٍ
فَعَسى ذاكَ أَن يَكونَ وَكانا
5. They were not frightened of the night nor pitched
Their tents in the land of disgrace from Lebanon
٥. لَم يُخَوَّفنَ بِالبَياتِ وَلَم يَح
لُلنَ دارَ الهَوانِ مِن لُبنانا
6. Tell Qand, who escorts misfortunes
Our absence has been long, and enough
٦. قُل لِقَندٍ يُشَيِّعُ الأَظعانَ
طالَ ما سَرَّ غَيبَنا وَكَفانا
7. Because of you I abandoned the clan of Zaid
And because of you I love our father
٧. أَنا مِن أَجلِكُم هَجَرتُ بَني زَي
دٍ وَمِن أَجلِكُم أُحِبُّ أَبانا
8. And we entered the houses we desired
Hoping either to attain them or see them
٨. وَدَخَلنا الدِيارَ ما نَشتَهيها
طَمَعاً أَن نَنالَها أَو تَرانا
9. And the son of Asma is best at wiping feet
Effectively, and best of them in building
٩. وَاِبنُ أَسماءَ خَيرُ مَن مَسَحَ الرُك
نَ فَعالاً وَخَيرُهُم بُنيانا
10. And if asked who are the protectors of Quraish
You are the young man, and you are the protector
١٠. وَإِذا قيلَ مَن هِجانُ قُرَيشٍ
كُنتَ أَنتَ الفَتى وَأَنتَ الهِجانا