1. May Allah bless A'zam, whom they buried
In the graveyard of Talha in Talhat.
١. نَضَّرَ اللَهُ أَعظُماً دَفَنوها
بِسِجِستانَ طَلحَةِ الطَلَحاتِ
2. He would not deprive a friend nor was he
Stingy with the best perfumes.
٢. كانَ لا يَحرِمُ الخَليلَ وَلا يَع
تَلُّ بِالبُخلِ طَيِّبَ العَذِراتِ
3. Open-handed, he gave generously when
A miser's gift was but a show.
٣. سَبِطَ الكَفِّ بِالنَوالِ إِذا ما
كانَ جودُ البَخيلِ حُسنَ العِداتِ
4. The women of Al Abi Talha's family bore him -
More honorable than mothers are they.
٤. وَلَدَتهُ نِساءُ آلِ أَبي طَل
حَةَ أَكرِم بِهِنَّ مِن أُمَّهاتِ
5. He gives away good fortune, highborn ladies,
And singing girls who walk gracefully.
٥. يَهَبُ البُختَ وَالنَجائِبَ وَالقَي
نَةَ تَمشي في الرَيطِ وَالحِبَراتِ
6. And he frees captives with his smooth hands -
Raiding bands have coveted them.
٦. وَيَفُكُّ الأَسيرَ في جيدِهِ الغُل
لُ قَد اِودَت بِهِ أَكُفُّ العُداةِ
7. By the life of Him who chose you, you were
Generous, easy death's wide plain.
٧. فَلَعَمروُ الَّذي اِجتَباكَ لَقَد كُن
تَ رَحيبَ الفِناءِ سَهلَ المَباةِ
8. A blinding glare against the foe, enraged
When the noble take revenge.
٨. ذا ضَريرٍ عَلى العَدُوِّ مُشيحاً
حينَ يَعيا الكَريمُ بِالنَقِماتِ
9. May Allah curse whoever brought you to us
When we met Hubaira ibn Furat!
٩. لَعَنَ اللَهُ مَن نَعاكَ إِلَينا
إِذ لَقينا هُبَيرَةَ بنُ فُراتِ
10. Long was the day for me, patience gone,
Regret before my eyes.
١٠. ظَلَّ لي عِندَ ذاكَ يَومٌ طَويلٌ
غائِبُ الصَبرِ شاهِدُ الحَسَراتِ
11. My family will weep for you in Iraq
And pilgrims at Arafat's slopes.
١١. فَسَيَبكيكَ بِالعِراقَينِ أَهلي
وَبِثِنيِ الأَجزاعِ مِن عَرَفاتِ
12. After you, bosom friends I found
Were few, like a scanty flock.
١٢. لَم أَجِد بَعدَكَ الأَخِلّاءَ إِلّا
كَثِمادٍ مَنزوحَةٍ وَقِلاتِ
13. Only, I hoped for your fair sons
To take your place after death.
١٣. غَيرَ أَنّي رَجَوتُ أَولادَكَ البي
ضَ لِكَي يَخلُفوكَ بَعدَ المَماتِ
14. We found what we had hoped for - they were
Worthy successors, of noble stock.
١٤. فَوَجَدنا الَّذي رَجَونا وَكانوا
خَلَفِيِّينَ طَيِّبي الحُجُزاتِ
15. They disdain to gain merit, but build
Righteous deeds that will endure.
١٥. لا يَمُنّونَ أَن يَكونَ لَهُم فَض
لٌ وَيَبنونَ صالِحَ المَأثُراتِ
16. Truly glory grows in the tomb
And roots thrust in firm ground.
١٦. وَلَقَد تَنبُتُ الأَرومَةُ في المَج
دِ وَتَنمي العُروقُ بِالثابِتاتِ