1. Greetings to you, mother of one resigned
To separation, neck-ring and talismans and stoicism
١. حُيِّيتِ عَنّا أُمَّ ذي الوَدعِ
وَالطَوقِ وَالحَرَزاتِ وَالجَزعِ
2. You caress an infant you play with
The polished brow of nobles with bare scalps
٢. تَحنو عَلى طِفلٍ تُلاعِبُهُ
صَلتِ الجَبينِ لِسادَةٍ صُلعِ
3. He weeps so you quiet him with your cloak
On him its drooping branches incline
٣. يَبكي فَتُسكِتهُ بِبُردَتِها
وَعَلَيهِ مِنها مائِلُ الفَرعِ
4. Perfumed, she gathered her tresses
With musk - truly glorious when gathered
٤. مُغدَودِنٌ جَمَعَت ذَوائِبَها
بِالمِسكِ حُقُّ مُجيدَةِ الجَمعِ