
O support of those weakened at (the battle of) Uhud,

يا سند الظاعنين من أحد

1. O support of those weakened at (the battle of) Uhud,
You were greeted from a house and from a support.

١. يا سَنَدَ الظاعِنينَ مِن أُحُدِ
حُيِّيتَ مِن مَنزِلٍ وَمِن سَنَدِ

2. There is nothing in your abode but stagnant (water),
Rough ground and pits like a flapping chick,

٢. ما إِن بِمَثواكَ غَيرُ راكِدَةٍ
سُفعٍ وَهابٍ كَالفَرخِ مُلتَبِدِ

3. And the pools are like basins drawn below spouts
Of torrents pouring from them and tent pegs planted around.

٣. وَالنُؤيُ كَالحَوضِ خُطَّ دونَ عَوا
دي السَيلِ مِنهُ وَمَضرِبُ الوَتِدِ

4. And the wildlife in them is as though hamal grazing
Among the twisting flow of the writhe.

٤. وَالوَحشُ فيهِ كَأَنَّها هَمَلٌ
تَرعى بِجَوٍّ عَوازِبَ العَقِدِ

5. You were substituted for the hyraxes of gazelles and cattle
That were not like preserved progeny.

٥. أُبدِلتَ عُفرَ الظِباءِ وَالبَقَرَ ال
عينَ خِلافَ العَقائِلِ الخُرُدِ

6. Are you angry or content with what you
Were substituted with after them, so you have lost them?

٦. أَساخِطٌ أَنتَ أَم رَضيتَ بِما اِس
تَبدَلتَ بِالحَيِّ بَعدَهُم فَقَدِ

7. You were changed to other than contentment, and it carried away from you
The turns of fate and eternity.

٧. بُدِلتَ غَيرَ الرِضى وَشَطَّ بِهِم
عَنكَ صُروفُ المَنونِ وَالأَبَدِ

8. We will only ascend if you have for us
One day a share, so there is a promise for tomorrow.

٨. رُقَيَّ إِلّا يَكُن لَديكِ لَنا ال
يَومَ نَوالٌ فَمَوعِدٌ لِغَدِ

9. You have become the most beloved of all people to me
Without favor or hand (generosity).

٩. أَصبَحتِ أَهوى الأَنامِ كُلِّهُمُ
عِندي بِلا مِنَّةٍ وَلا بِيَدِ

10. I devoted it through sharing to the goodness
Of the sole dispenser of Kings.

١٠. أَسدَيتِها في النَوالِ صالِحَةٍ
إِلّا عَطاءً مِل واحِدِ الصَمَدِ

11. You and the hands of the riders are working
To make lawful every new earnested effort.

١١. أَنتِ وَأَيدي الرِكابِ مُعمَلَةً
يَهوينَ في كُلِّ سَربَخٍ جَدَدِ

12. To me is more beloved than drink and wealth
And the sweetness of life and children,

١٢. إِلَيَّ أَهوى مِنَ الشَرابِ وَمِل
مالِ وَحُلوِ الحَياةِ وَالوَلَدِ

13. No living person has met as I met you
From a man who did not die and was not worn down.

١٣. لَم يَلقَ حَيٌّ كَما لَقيتُ بِكُم
مِن رَجُلٍ لَم يَمُت وَلَم يَكَدِ

14. He seems healthy walking while his insides
Are sick, its pain stinging his liver.

١٤. يُرى صَحيحاً يَمشي وَباطِنُهُ
سُقمُ جَوىً لَذعُهُ عَلى الكَبِدِ

15. It is as though it is a painted doll
In the churches of the Coptics.

١٥. كَأَنَّها دُميَةٌ مُصَوَّرَةٌ
في بيعَةٍ مِن كَنائِسِ العُبُدِ

16. You killed a soul without a soul, and did not
Kill, seek retaliation, or guide.

١٦. قَتَلتِ نَفساً بِغَيرِ نَفسٍ وَلَم
تَقتُل وَلَم تَستَقِد وَلَم تُقِدِ

17. What will it have after tomorrow in death
If the inheritors come to share me?

١٧. ماذا لَها في المَماتِ بَعدَ غَدٍ
إِن حَلَّ أَهلُ الميراثِ في عَدَدي

18. You did not rob me of my reason and your separation from
Weakness, but by breathing into knots.

١٨. لَم تَسلُبيني عَقلي وَجَدِّكِ عَن
ضَعفٍ وَلَكِن بِالنَفثِ في العُقَدِ

19. If only I had not attached myself to you,
And if only she had not promised through sharing.

١٩. فَلَيتَني لَم أَكُن عَلِقتُكُمُ
وَلَيتَها بِالنَوالِ لَم تَعِدِ

20. How long will you fulfill your promise, for
My standing for your tedious promise has been long.

٢٠. حَتّى مَتى تُنجِزينَ وَعدي فَقَد
طالَ وُقوفي لِوَعدِكِ النَكِدِ

21. You left me standing in doubt, I did not intend
Despair from you nor refuse.

٢١. تَرَكتِني واقِفاً عَلى الشَكِّ لَم
أَصدُر بِيَأسٍ مِنكُم وَلَم أَرِدِ