
Who can save me from my beloved

من منقذي من منقذي عشقه

1. Who can save me from my beloved
Whose love is an ocean in which I've drowned, with no savior

١. مَن مُنقِذي مِن مُنقِذِيٍّ عِشقُهُ
بَحرٌ غَرِقتُ بِهِ وَما لِيَ مُنقِذُ

2. Arrogant yet fawning over the fawning one
Burdened, with no escape

٢. مُتَدَلِّلٌ صَلَفاً عَلى مُتَذَلِّلٍ
كَلِفاً وَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلَيهِ مَنفَذُ

3. A spear whose wounds, when it pierces,
Pierce hearts with moments of love

٣. ريمٌ مَتى ما يَرنُ تَرمِ بِأَسهُمٍ
لَحَظاتُهُ حبَّ القُلوبِ فَتَنفُذُ

4. So that his estrangement has kindled my heart
Like a Magian fire, when the abandoned fuel is added

٤. فَكَأَنَّما أَذكى بِقَلبي هَجرُهُ
نارَ المَجوسِ إِذا اِصطَلاها المَوبَذُ

5. His attributes have dazzled the minds of all creation
So those around him smile, protected

٥. بَهَرَت عُقولَ العالَمينَ صِفاتُهُ
فَمُبَسمِلٌ مِن حَولِهِ وَمُعَوِّذُ

6. If you enjoy our torment, our hearts are in a paradise
Delighting in their torment

٦. إِن تَستَلِذَّ عَذابَنا فَقُلوبُنا
في جَنَّةٍ بِعَذابِها تَتَلَذَّذُ

7. Disposing freely of the minds of all mankind
As if he were a supreme master in his actions

٧. مُتَصَرِّفٌ في سَلبِ أَلبابِ الوَرى
فَكَأَنَّما هُوَ في التَصَرُّفِ جهبذُ

8. My liver is plundered by the scorpion sting of his cheek
And by his glance, which is like an unsheathed sword

٨. كَبِدي بِعَقرَبِ صُدغِهِ مَسلوبَةٌ
وَبِلَحظِهِ إِذ كانَ سَيفاً تَفلَذُ

9. Stop blaming me, O critic, for I
Have discarded blame behind my back

٩. اُنبُذ مَلامي يا عَذولُ فَإِنَّني
لِلعَذلِ فيهِ وَراءَ ظَهري أَنبُذُ

10. If Joseph’s beauty saw the loveliness I love
It would become his student in beauty

١٠. فَجَمالُ يوسُفَ لَو رَأَى حُسنَ الَّذي
أَهوى لَكانَ لِحُسنِهِ يَتَتَلمَذُ

11. A gazelle drawing pure white swords from its eyelids
To be burnished and sharpened for slaughter

١١. ظَبيٌ يَسُلُّ مِنَ الجُفونِ السودِ بي
ضَ الهِندِ تُصقَلُ لِلجِلادِ وَتُشحَذُ