
The lightning captured rocks with rocks

صيدت ضراغم حاجر بمحاجر

1. The lightning captured rocks with rocks
And the bracelets contrasted with fetters

١. صيدَت ضَراغِمُ حاجِرٍ بِمَحاجِرِ
وَسَطَت ذَواتُ أَساوِرٍ بِقَساوِرِ

2. And on the day of encounter it granted us a reprieve
That conveys passion to one seeking help and to one hiding

٢. وَتَسَنَّحَت يَومَ الغُوَيرِ لَنا مَهاً
تُهدي الغَرامَ لِمُنجِدٍ وَلِغائِرِ

3. They travel from the forms of statues, lodged at night
The dawns of suns, at the observer's glance

٣. يَسفِرنَ عَن صُوَرِ الدُّمى أَعشَت بِبَه
جاتِ الشُموسِ ضُحىً لِحاظَ الناظِرِ

4. With swaying gaits they clothe the land
With perfume in the trains of their garments and tresses

٤. مُتَهادِياتِ الخَطوِ يَكسونَ البَرا
طيباً بِسَحبِ مَعاجِرٍ وَضَفائِرِ

5. They are the killers and beauties of the land
With glances like swords, penetrating

٥. هُنَّ القَواتِلُ وَالفَواتِنُ لِلوَرى
بِلَواحِظٍ مِثلِ السُيوفِ فَواتِرِ

6. From every waving scarf shakes breasts
Of acacia above the towering dune

٦. مِن كُلِّ جائِلَةِ الوِشاحِ تَهُزُّ غُص
نَ البانِ في أَعلى الكَثيبِ المائِرِ

7. Swift smooth-bodied riders with slender waists
Withered like my patience from enduring thirst

٧. رَيّا الرَوادِفِ ذاتُ خَصرٍ ناحِلٍ
واهٍ كَصَبري عَنهُ ظامٍ ضامِرِ

8. Their eyelids are sick and their prisoner
Has no redeemer, nor their slain any avenger

٨. أَجفانُها مَرضى وَما لأَسيرِها
فادٍ وَلا لِقَتيلِها مِن ثائِرِ

9. She spent the night, her kisser enjoying
Wine matured in a tavern keeper's bottle

٩. باتَت مُقَبِّلُها يَخالُ رُضابَها
خَمراً مُعَتِّقَةً بِحانَةِ تاجِرِ

10. And a writhing grace in robbing our hearts' love
She excelled in cunning, so wondrous her guile

١٠. وَغَريرَةٍ في سَلبِ حَبِّ قُلوبِنا
مَهَرَت فَواعَجَباً لِغِرٍّ ماهِرِ

11. I ransom her who, but for my passion for her
I would not stay up herding stars with waking eye

١١. أَفدي الَّتي لَولا هَواها لَم أَبِت
أَرعى النُجومَ بِطَرفِ ساهٍ ساهِرِ

12. And I say "O lengthy night you have wronged me"
They did not wrong when they called you infidel

١٢. وَأَقولُ يا لَيلي الطَّويلَ ظَلَمتَني
لَم يَظلِموا لَمّا دَعَوكَ بِكافِرِ

13. So it answered me in the tongue of circumstance saying
"A brutish night that has no end"

١٣. فَأَجابَني بِلِسانِ حالٍ قائِلٍ
لَيلٌ بَهيمٌ ما لَهُ مِن آخِرِ

14. Oh companion, what is the world but the rapture of youth
When I do not stop roving amongst its meadows

١٤. يا صاحِ ما الدُنيا سِوى سُكرِ الصِّبى
إِذ لَستُ أَبرَحُ مِنهُ بَينَ دَساكِرِ

15. And its time is free and laughing
From the jaws of a pleasant, abundant life

١٥. وَزَمانُهُ طَلقُ المُحَيّا ضاحِكٌ
عَن ناجِذَي عَيشٍ هَنيءٍ ناضِرِ

16. I complain and thank the phantom of her and her elusion
For wonders from a thankful complainer

١٦. أَشكو وَأَشكُرُ طَيفَها وَصُدودَها
عَنهُ فَواعَجَباً لِشاكٍ شاكِرِ