1. The rose has a moment of bloom that cannot be denied
Show it beautifully while it lasts between the meadows
١. للوَردِ حينٌ بِهِ ناهيكَ مِن حينِ
أَحسِن بِهِ حاضِراً بَينَ الرَياحينِ
2. And the rose is the most beautiful thing that has blossomed with its splendor
In the garden of comfort, the scents of the orchards
٢. وَالوَردُ أَحسَنُ ما حَيَّت بِرَونقِهِ
في مَجلِسِ الراحِ راحاتُ البَساتينِ
3. It offers its beholder a radiant sight
From it, the cheeks of the lovely-eyed gazelles shine
٣. تُهدي إِلى ناظِريهِ مَنظَراً بِهِجاً
مِنهُ تَلوحُ خُدودُ الخُرَّدِ العينِ
4. And they scatter on the day of farewell above the
Cheeks pearls of meltingdew that are not hoarded
٤. وَهُنَّ يُذرينَ في يَومِ الوَداعِ عَلى ال
خُدودِ لُؤلُؤ طَلٍّ غَير مَكنونِ
5. Spring has given the fragrances of roses and gifts
The musk of the two abodes from the young rose
٥. جادَ الرَبيعُ بِأَنفاسِ العَبيرِ مِنَ ال
وَردِ الجَنِيِّ فَأَهدى مِسكَ دارينِ
6. Arise and let me drink, my boon companion, from an aged
Wine brought from the vineyards of Aleppo
٦. قُم فَاِسقِني يا نَديمي مِن مُعتَّقَةٍ
مُدامَةً جُلبَت مِن كَرمِ حَلبونِ
7. Between the lamenting flute, the eloquent lute, tambourine and lyre
As the cup circles in the breast of a singing concubine
٧. ما بَينَ ناي يناغي بِالجُغانَةِ وَال
عودِ الفَصيحِ وَطُنبورٍ وَقانونِ
8. Who captivates minds with her pretty figure and gentleness
By God, my friend is excused for my infatuation
٨. وَالجَنكُ مُحدَودِباً في صَدرِ غانِيَةٍ
تَسبي العُقولَ بِحُسنِ القَدِّ وَاللينِ
9. With wine, say I have two hearts
My friend, I have no sobriety when the season of the young rose appears, not being mad
٩. بِاللَهِ يا صاحِ صِح عَنّي بِعاذِلَتي
عَلى المُدامِ وَقُل بَيتي بِقُلبينِ
10. I have from the Turks a disposition to be drunk with pleasure
And though he does not make me drink from his cup
١٠. يا صاحِ ما عِندِيَ الصاحي إِذا زَمَنُ ال
وَردِ الجَنِيِّ تَبَدّى غَيرَ مَجنونِ
11. His Harut eyes of Babylon, through them
God is blessed, the religion of the religious is denied
١١. بي مِن بَني التُركِ ساقٍ مِن لَواحِظِهِ
سُكري وَإِن لَم يَكُن بِالكَأسِ يَسقيني
12. The smallest part of his beauty that you see
By it, all beauty is valued as inferior
١٢. هاروتُ بابِله أَجفانُهُ وَبِها
تَبارَكَ اللَهُ يُنفى دينُ ذي الدينِ
13. Glory to Him who created it from His sun an idol
Who else other than Him would not be infatuated?
١٣. أَقَلُّ جُزءٍ تَراهُ مِن مَحاسِنِهِ
فيهِ يُقَوَّمُ كُلُّ الحُسنِ بِالدونِ
١٤. سُبحانَ مَن صاغَهُ مِن شَمسِهِ صَنَماً
مَن ذا الَّذي هُوَ مِنهُ غَيرُ مَفتونِ