1. Take from the right side of the full moon a sun that rose
In a sky like a cup with stars as bubbles
١. خُذ مِن يَمينِ البَدرِ شَمساً أُطلِعَت
بِسَماءِ كَأسٍ وَالحَبابُ نُجومُ
2. Those are the lanterns that are an adornment
And over the demons of worries like stoning
٢. تِلكَ المَصابيحُ الَّتي هِيَ زينَةٌ
وَعَلى شَياطينِ الهُمومِ رُجومُ
3. From the palm of the Roman chief so when he sings
It's as if he hunts lions he intends
٣. مِن كَفِّ ريمِ الرومِ فَهوَ إِذا رَنا
فَكَأَنَّهُ صَيدَ الأُسودِ يَرومُ
4. So if Babylon claimed the magic of creation
And its pounding, the Romans overcame it
٤. فَلوِ اِدَّعَت سِحرَ اللَواحِظِ بابِلٌ
وَرُضابَهُ غَلَبَت عَلَيهِ الرومُ