
I ransomed a boy never shaved his head before

أفدي غلاما قط ما قطبا

1. I ransomed a boy never shaved his head before
If another has outgrown his clothes or worn through his sole

١. أَفدي غلاماً قَطُّ ما قَطَّبا
إِن غَيرُهُ رَسبَنَ أَو قَلتَبا

2. I said, what's your name, O most beautiful
Leave them all, he said, Altonaba

٢. قَلتُ لَهُ ما اِسمُكَ يا أَحسَنَ الت
تُركِ جَميعاً قالَ أَلطونَبا

3. On his cheek a drop of musk, it's the
Mole, and a cheek whose beauty a scorpion etched

٣. في خَدِّهِ نُقطَةُ مِسكٍ هِيَ ال
خالُ وَصُدغٌ خِلتُهُ عَقرَبا

4. The knot of patience unravels in me whenever
He ties, above the waist, his belt

٤. يَنحَلُّ عِقدُ الصَبرِ مِنّي إِذا
ما شَدَّ فَوقَ الخَصرِ بَندَ القَبا

5. Harut resides seducingly upon his eyelids
And Marut making eyes at them

٥. هاروتُ في أَجفانِهِ نازِلٌ
سِحراً وَماروتُ بِها طَنَّبا

6. It disclosed nothing but lines of
Pearls arrayed from their shells

٦. ما اِفتَرَّ إِلا خِلتَ في فيهِ سِم
طُ الدُرِّ مِن أَصدافِهِ رُكِّبا

7. O jug’s neck of silver
You have attained in beauty the most beautiful hue

٧. يا عُنُقَ الإِبريقِ مِن فِضَّةٍ
في الحُسنِ حُزتَ المَذهَبَ المُذهَبا

8. Give him to drink from you nicely, O cupbearer,
Passing along a goblet polished smooth

٨. أَحسِن بِهِ في شُربِهِ ساقِياً
يُديرُ اِسفِنطاً صَفَت مَشرَبا

9. How generous the red wine was to him
It was old in Noah's time

٩. حَمراءُ ما أَكرَمَ كَرماً لَها
كانَ عَلى أَزمانِ نوحٍ أَبا