
You were absent, but passion did not disappear

غبتم فلم يغب الغرام

1. You were absent, but passion did not disappear
Sleeping after you is forbidden

١. غِبتُم فَلَم يَغِبِ الغَرامُ
فَالنَومُ بَعدَكُمُ حَرامُ

2. O inhabitants of Najd, peace be upon you
From a lover who sends you greetings

٢. يا ساكِني نَجدٍ عَلَي
كُم مِن مُحِبِّكُمُ السَلامُ

3. One who dies after being separated
From the likes of you is not to be blamed

٣. مَن ماتَ بَعدَ فِراقِ مِث
لِكُمُ اِشتِياقاً ما يُلامُ

4. Why did you not have mercy on one
Who meets destruction because of you

٤. لِمَ لَم تَرِقُّوا لِلَّذي
مِنكُم يُلاقي المُستَهامُ

5. To God belong my days in grief
And whatever the tents contained

٥. لِلَّهِ أَيّامي بِكا
ظِمَةٍ وَما حَوَتِ الخِيامُ

6. If you are absent from me, still
Sorrow and sickness do not disappear

٦. إِن غِبتُمُ عَنّي فَلَم
يَغِبِ التَأَسُّفُ وَالسَقامُ

7. So it is as if after you
I am a weaned child again

٧. فَكَأَنَّني مِن بَعدِكُم
طِفلٌ أَضَرَّ بِهِ الفِطامُ

8. I sacrifice people who deprived
My eyes of sleep though they slept

٨. أَفدي أُناساً أَسهَروا
عَينَيَّ بَعدَهُمُ وَناموا

9. I relax whenever a dove
Coos on the branches

٩. أَرتاحُ وَجداً كُلَّما
غَنَّت عَلى البانِ الحَمامُ