
Your eyes have set my heart aflame

عيناك بالنيران قلبي أصلتا

1. Your eyes have set my heart aflame
Alas for your glance, what sword it has unsheathed!

١. عَيناكَ بِالنيرانِ قَلبي أَصلَتا
آهاً لِطَرفِكَ أَيَّ سَيفٍ أَصلَتا

2. Your eyelids - no Babylon sorcerer spews forth
What hearts made whole they have shattered with magic!

٢. جِفناكَ لا هاروتُ بابِلَ نافِثٌ
بِالسِحرِ كَم قَلبٍ صَحيحٍ فَتَّتا

3. Does your estrangement offer any respite
That I might find rest from its pangs? How long, how long?

٣. أَو ما لِهَجرِكَ مِن مَدىً فَأُراحُ مِن
أَوصابِهِ فَإِلى مَتى وَإِلى مَتى

4. My envious censurers gloated when they saw
My state fragmented once more after reunion

٤. يا مُشمِتاً بي حاسِدي لَمّا رَأى
شَملي بِهِ بَعدَ الدُنُوِّ مُشَتَّتا

5. In your mouth lies the fountain of wine - give me to drink
Who else has brought forth pearls from the gravel?

٥. في فيكَ يَنبوعُ المُدام فَنَبِّني
مَن فيهِ حَصباءَ اللآلِئِ أَنبَتا

6. How many arrows have I launched from my heart but they disobeyed
Refused me, flouted me, defied my command,

٦. كَم رُمتُ مِن قَلبي السُلُوَّ فَلَم يُطِع
وَأَبى وَخالَفَني وَعَن أَمري عَتا

7. Save the loyal, righteous fellowship of those
Amongst whom he came - came not midst others; has any other come?

٧. إِلّا أَلِيَّةَ صادِقٍ بَرٍّ بِمَن
فيهِم أَتى لا في سِواهُم هَل أَتى

8. The people of sincerity, honor and chivalry
They adorned purity and manliness

٨. أَهلُ الصَفاءِ وَأَهلُ كُلِّ مُروءةٍ
وَفُتُوَّةٍ زانوا الصَفا وَالمَروتا

9. Truly I speak, make no bones, saying
To my critics words both deaf and deafening:

٩. إِنّي أَقولُ وَلا أُحاشي قائِلاً
قَولاً لِعُذّالي أَصَمَّ وَأَصمَتا

10. No sword save Thulfiqar, no warrior but
`Ali - blessed be that knight!

١٠. لا سَيفَ إِلّا ذو الفَقارِ وَلا فَتىً
إِلّا عَلِيٌّ حَبَّذا ذاكَ الفَتى

11. Never have I loved others, ever hated them
Ordained as he did the prayer and the fast

١١. لَم أَهوَهُم أَبَداً بِبُغضي غَيرهم
كُلّاً وَمَن فَرَضَ الصَلاةَ وَوَقَّتا