
No, by the Prince of the Faithful in Najaf

لا وأمير المؤمنين بالنجف

1. No, by the Prince of the Faithful in Najaf
An elite who no oath-taker lingered among,

١. لا وَأَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ بِالنَجَف
أَلِيَّةً ما مانَ فيها مَن حَلَف

2. Never will I be, after a day between you,
With any of you - far from you be reneging.

٢. ما أَنا يَوماً بَعدَ يَومِ بَينِكُم
بِواجِدٍ مِنكُم وَحاشاكُم خَلَف

3. I have tears that flow down the cheek of sorrow,
And ribs bent over sadness.

٣. لي أَدمُعٌ تَنشُرُ في الخَدِّ الأَسى
وَأَضلُعٌ مَطوِيَّةٌ عَلى الأَسَف

4. So if you doubt, then ask my tears,
For an ignorant one is not like one who knew.

٤. فَإِن شَكَكتُم فَاِسأَلوا مَدامِعي
ما جاهِلٌ بِقِصَّةٍ كَمَن عَرَف

5. My heart stood still from the heat of sadness
Since the day he rode off and did not stand still.

٥. قَد وَقَفَ القَلبُ عَلى حَرِّ الأَسى
مُذ بانَ عَنّي راحِلاً وَما وَقَف

6. I wipe the tear from my cheek in despair
So my palm was dyed red from my tears.

٦. أُكَفكِفُ الدَّمعَ بِخَدّي قانِياً
فَانثَني مِن أَدمُعي خاضِبَ كَف

7. You burdened me with my sin the day you bid me farewell
So the heart was entrusted with flame and anguish,

٧. بُؤتُمُ بِإِثمي يَومَ تَوديعِكُمُ
فَأُودِعَ القَلبُ لَهيباً وَلَهَف

8. Return, that you may return life to my sorrow,
And that God may pardon you what is past.

٨. عودوا فَعودوني لِتَحيا مُهجَتي
وَيَعفُوَ اللَهُ لَكُم عَمّا سَلَف

9. Be generous to us with your letters for you
Repair through letters the loss from us.

٩. جودوا لَنا بِكُتبِكُم فَإِنَّكُم
بِالكُتبِ مِنّا تَتَلافونَ التَلَف

10. Do not be miserly. Generosity is your way.
Your words in letters are pearls in oyster shells.

١٠. لا تَبخَلوا وَالجودُ مِن شيمَتِكُم
فَلَفظُكُم في الكُتبِ درٌّ في صَدَف