
My heart boils with the heat of separation

بقلبي من حر الفراق غليل

1. My heart boils with the heat of separation,
Will I ever attain the spirit of union?

١. بِقَلبيَ مِن حَرِّ الفِراقِ غَليلُ
فَهَل لي إِلى رَوحِ الوِصالِ وُصولُ

2. My eyelids are short like the days of your company,
And my nights as long as the days of separation.

٢. جُفوني قِصارٌ مِثلُ أَيّامِ وَصلِكُم
وَلَيلي كَأَيّامِ الفِراقِ طَويلُ

3. The ugliest thing for me is to blame the beloved,
And I have no beautiful patience left.

٣. وَأَقبَحُ ما عِندي المَلامَةُ في الهَوى
وَما عِندِيَ الصَبرُ الجَميلُ جَميلُ

4. We cried on the day of parting when
An envious backbiter pitied us.

٤. بَكَينا لِيَومِ البَينِ حينَ بَكى لَنا
حَسودٌ وَواشٍ رَحمَةً وَعَذولُ

5. There is no eye but it is a helping eye,
No cheek but has a trail of tears.

٥. فَلا عَين إِلّا وَهيَ عَينٌ مَعينَةٌ
وَلا خَدَّ إِلّا خدَّ فيهِ مَسيلُ

6. They left while we stayed behind. Eyes
Of the sincere women circle around.

٦. وَساروا وَوَلَّينا وَمِنّا وَمِنهُمُ ال
عُيونُ الصَحيحاتُ النَّواظِرِ حولُ

7. Each has a cheek contradicting his course,
Inclining it towards the beloved and it inclines.

٧. وَكُلٌّ لَهُ وَخدٌ يخالِفُ سَيرَهُ
يُمَيِّلُهُ تِلقاءهُ فَيَميلُ

8. May God protect the days gone by when we were together,
And not tend us in separation to depart.

٨. رَعى اللَهُ أَيّاماً مَضَت بِاجتِماعِنا
وَلَمّا يَرُعنا بِالفِراقِ رَحيلُ

9. The night the beloved came and the
North wind blew as if the ropes of tents were being rolled up.

٩. وَلَيلَةَ وافانا الحَبيبُ وَهَبَّتِ ال
شَمالُ كَأَن مِنها تُدارُ شَمولُ

10. My body and the breeze met and his glance -
So each by analogy is invalid.

١٠. تَقابَلَ جِسمي وَالنَسيمُ وَلَحظُهُ
فَكُلٌّ عَلى حُكمِ القِياسِ عَليلُ

11. When does a lover bid farewell to his beloved?
That is nothing but a killer and a killed!

١١. مَتى يُرَ مَعشوقٌ يودعُ عاشِقاً
فَما ذاكَ إلّا قاتِلٌ وَقَتيلُ

12. Little love for me is much and describing it -
Though the passionate at length describes it - is little.

١٢. قَليلُ الهَوى عِندي كَثيرٌ وَوَصفُهُ
وَإِن أَسهَبَ العُذّالُ فيهِ قَليلُ

13. When will my heart be healed of passion by nearness
And the fires of love and longing be extinguished?

١٣. مَتى يَشتَفي بِالقُربِ قَلبي مِنَ النَوى
وَتُطفَأُ نيرانُ الجَوى فَتَزولُ

14. Alas for my anguish in love from the agony of grief!
Is there anyone to guide me to good solace?

١٤. فَوا جَزَعي في الحُبِّ مِن لَوعَةِ الأَسى
فَهَل لي عَلى حُسنِ العَزاءِ دَليلُ

15. I reckon the nights of separation visit their hardship,
Their overflowing lava has deputies in my resolute heart.

١٥. أَظُنُّ لَيالي البَينِ لا دَرَّ دَرُّها
لَها عِندَ قَلبي المُستَهامِ ذُحولُ

16. I have been abased when I used to be a dignified youth,
And every dignified person is humble in love.

١٦. ذَلَلتُ وَقَد كُنتُ العَزيزَ صَبابَةً
وَكُلُّ عَزيزٍ لِلغَرامِ ذَليلُ

17. Are those black eyes whose glances
Are sharp swords with no remnants, still there?

١٧. هَلِ الحَدَقُ السودُ الَّتي لَحَظاتُها
صَوارِمُ بيضٌ ما بِهنّ فُلولُ

18. Did they throb arrows from hard eyebrows
That penetrate the secret thoughts of hearts?

١٨. نَبَضنَ سِهاماً عَن قِسِيٍّ حَواجِبِ
لَهُنَّ بِحَبّاتِ القُلوبِ نُصولُ