1. I have in your love, stories
In which the tales are long
١. لي في هَواكُم قِصَصُ
يَطولُ فيها القَصَصُ
2. My share in your love
Is not just one, but many portions
٢. ما حِصَّتي في حُبِّكُم
واحِدَةٌ بَل حِصَصُ
3. Beauty has encompassed you, and for me
In love of you is specialization
٣. عَمَّكُمُ الحَسَنُ وَلي
في حُبِّكُم تَخَصُّصُ
4. I have become, in passion
As though I am a caged bird
٤. أَصبَحتُ في الهَوى كَأَن
ني طائِرٌ مُقَصَّصُ