
O mighty majestic King

هنيئا أيها الملك المعظم

1. O mighty majestic King,
To you belongs consolidated dominion entirely confirmed;

١. هَنيئاً أَيُّها المَلِكُ المُعَظَّم
لَكَ المُلكُ المُؤَثَّلُ وَالمُتَمَّم

2. The monarchs of all earth are systematised through descent from you, while you are the organizer of that which is organised;
They are the whole poem while you are the glorious verse of the poem, so your known glory cannot be concealed,

٢. مُلوكُ الأَرضِ كُلُّهُم نِظامُ ال
فِرِندِ وَأَنتَ واسِطَةُ المُنَظَّم

3. You have ruled Damascus - peace be upon You, our Creator -
So it has cast its staff and set down its purpose like the traveller when he arrives;

٣. وَكُلُّهُمُ القَصيدُ وَأَنتَ بَيتُ ال
قَصيدِ فَعَرفُ عَرفِكَ لَيسَ يُكتَم

4. With him who gives thousands yet does not fear thousands your armies teem with numbers;
Can dominion suffer detriment when it belongs to you - the crowned, honoured and sealed?

٤. مَلَكتَ دِمَشقَ يا عيسى فَصَلّى
عَلَيكَ اللَهُ خالِقُنا وَسَلَّم

5. In peace your are the sun in beauty, and in war your prowess is terrible as Al-Daytham;
You have worn dominion as a most excellent green brocade mantle, figured and stitched;

٥. فَقَد أَلقَت عَصاها وَاِستَقَرَّت
نَواها كَالمُسافِرِ حينَ يَقدَم

6. Among the kings of East and West none has been seen by us more outstanding than you;
You have conquered the Sacred House, so live long or be escorted there as bridegroom;

٦. بِمَن يَهَبُ الأُلوفَ وَما يَهابُ ال
أُلوفَ تَجيشُ بِالجَيشِ العَرَمرَم

7. You are the pouring rain in munificence, none can forbid the rain its downpour;
You have turned aside for us the calamity of the days with whiteness of flashing sword and coat-of-mail;

٧. وَهَل عُطلٌ بِمُلكٍ وَهوَ مِنكَ ال
مُتَوَّجُ وَالمُسَوَّرُ وَالمُخَتَّم

8. You plunge into the coats-of-mail til you shed from the foe blood with your straight sword;
The rain-clouds of your bounty give drink to all but me, your sea heaving with bounty still,

٨. فَأَنتَ الشَمسُ عِندَ السِلمِ حُسناً
وَعِندَ الحَربِ بَأسُكَ بَأسُ ضَيغَم

9. And one like me - great the reward laid up for him - is left behind, each thing assigned its proper place;
While all mankind inherit from me and forsake the man who pitied me when you were gracious.

٩. لَبِستَ المُلكَ سِربالاً بِحُسنِ ال
طِرازِ الأَخضَرِ المَرقومِ مُعلَم

10. So may your country remain shining, for without you this age would be darkened,
Live on in your kingdom and drink deep of a noble, sweet-scented wine;

١٠. وَلَم يَكُ في مُلوكِ الأَرضِ شَرقاً
وَغَرباً مَن نَراهُ مِنكَ أَعلَم

11. With the palm of one gesturing and coquettish, nimble-worded jester,
Who bites with the sting of his cheekbones, striking slanderously,

١١. مَلَكتَ المَسجِدَ الأَقصى فَعِش أَو
يُزَفَّ لِوَصلِهِ البَيتُ المُحَرَّم

12. And stings poisonously with his glancing coquetry;
Between whose eyelids is the sorcery of Harut

١٢. وَأَنتَ اليَمُّ في اللَّزَباتِ جوداً
وَلَيسَ مُيَمِّمٌ لِليَمِّ يُحرَم

13. While beneath his figure is the piercing spear made straight.
His stirrup and slender waist contend together angrily;

١٣. جَلَوتَ سَوادَ صَرفِ الدَهرِ عَنّا
بِزُرقَةِ لَهذَمٍ وَبَياضِ مِخذَم

14. His waist is a disputing adversary complaining bitterly.
I conceal my innocent love for him but his languishing betrayed by his glancing;

١٤. وَفي غُدُرِ الدُروعِ تَخوضُ حَتّى
تُريقَ مِنَ العِدا بِحُسامِكَ الدَّم

15. He comprises eighty perfections, no reproach on him though he smiles.
To match the roses of his cheeks - a cheek smooth as glass,

١٥. سَحابُ نَداكَ أَروى الناسَ غَيري
وَبَحرُكَ مُتأَقٌ بِالجودِ مُفعَم

16. A mouth like globules of ambergris when he smiles.
If the noble Joseph gazed on his beauty he would submit and salute.

١٦. وَفي مِثلي جَزيلُ الأَجرِ يُحوى
وَوَضعُ الشَيءِ مَوضِعَهُ يُقَدَّم

17. None says, 'would that!' when any critic beholds and examines him.
Every king seems diminished beside the exalted one,

١٧. وَكُلُّ الناسِ راثٍ لي وَداعٍ
لِمَن يَحنو عَلَيَّ إِذا تَكَرَّم

18. O glory of God's religion - may its consolidated glory endure!
Has anyone like your superlative pride of ancestry?

١٨. فَلا زالَت بِلادُكَ مُشرِقاتٍ
فَلَولا أَنتَ في ذا الدَهرِ أَظلَم

19. You have built a kingdom of protection, opening, suppression and firmness that cannot be demolished;
Protection of loved ones; opening of frontiers, breaking of foes; andFIRMNESS. It is decisive.

١٩. وَدُم في المُلكِ وَاِشرَب بِنتَ كَرمٍ
لَها عَرفٌ كَعَرفِ المِسكِ يَفغَم

20. None but you merits interpretation, O you who teach us eloquence yet stands in no need of being taught!

٢٠. بِكَفِّ مُهَفهَفٍ نَشوانَ أَلمى
خَطائِيِّ النِّجارِ إِذا تَكَلَّم

٢١. يَصولُ بِعَقرَبَي صُدغَيهِ لَسباً
وَيَلسَعُ بِالذُؤابَةِ لَسعَ أَرقَم

٢٢. وَبَينَ جُفونِهِ هاروتُ سِحراً
وَدونَ قَوامِهِ الرُّمحُ المُقَوَّمُ

٢٣. يُجاذِبُ رِدفُهُ خَصراً دَقيقاً
فَمِنهُ خَصرُهُ خَصمٌ تَظَلَّم

٢٤. أُكَتِّمُ حُبَّهُ العُذرِيَّ لَكِن
يَنِمُّ بِهِ عُذَيِّرُهُ المُنَمنَم

٢٥. وَمِن عَشرِ الثَمانينَ اِحتَواهُ
فَلا يعتَب عَلَيهِ إِذا تَبَرسَم

٢٦. يُقابِلُ وَردَ خَدَّيهِ أَقاحٌ
وَمَنظومُ الحَبابِ إِذا تَبَسَّم

٢٧. فَلَو في الحُسنِ ناظَرَهُ العَزيز ب
نُ يَعقوبَ اِستَكانَ لَهُ وَسَلَّم

٢٨. فَلَيسَ يُقالُ فيهِ لَو إِذا ما
رَآهُ كُلُّ مُنتَقِدٍ تَوَسَّم

٢٩. كَذَلِكَ كُلُّ مَلكٍ في البَرايا
نَراهُ مُصَغَّراً عِندَ المُعَظَّم

٣٠. فَيا شَرَفاً لِدينِ اللَهِ يا مَن
لَهُ المَجدُ المُؤَثَّلُ حيثُ يَمَّم

٣١. وَهَل أَحَدٌ لَهُ في المُلكِ فَخرٌ
كَفَخرِكَ بِالأَبِ الأَعلى وَبِالعَم

٣٢. بَنَيتَ المُلكَ في ضَمٍّ وَفَتحٍ
وَكَسرٍ ثُمَّ وَقفٍ لَيسَ يُهدَم

٣٣. بِضَمِّ أَحِبَّةٍ وَبِفَتحِ ثَغرٍ
وَكَسرِ عِدىً وَوَقفٍ فَهوَ مُحكَم

٣٤. لِغَيرِكَ لا لَكَ التَفسيرُ يا مَن
يُعَلِّمُنا البَيانَ وَلا يُعَلَّم