
I ransom the one who visited after long absence

أفدي الذي زار بعد هجر

1. I ransom the one who visited after long absence
And became the physician of my malady

١. أَفدي الَّذي زارَ بَعدَ هَجرٍ
فَكانَ مِن عِلَّتي طَبيبي

2. The full moon rose over the branch
Wandering confusedly over the sand dune

٢. أَطلَعَ بَدراً مِن فَوقِ غُصنٍ
يَميسُ تيهاً عَلى كَثيبِ

3. He glances flirtatiously with his eyelids
Exhaling magic into hearts

٣. يَرنو بِأَجفانِهِ دَلالاً
فَيَنفُثُ السِحرَ في القُلوبِ

4. He came fulfilling his promise, in his palm a drink
Sweeter than the heedlessness of the chaperone

٤. وافى وَفي كَفِّهِ مُدامٌ
أَلَذُّ مِن غَفلَةِ الرَقيبِ

5. As if, when it lined up and flowed
It was the complaint of a lover to his beloved

٥. كَأَنَّها إِذ صَفَت وَراقَت
شَكوى مُحِبٍّ إِلى حَبيبِ

6. We were amazed by him and by her
Like the sun and the moon on a horizon

٦. لَقَد عَجِبنا مِنهُ وَمِنها
كَالشَمسِ وَالبَدرِ في قَضيبِ

7. So I rose up, happily, and my heart
Was in the utmost joy and passion

٧. فَقُمتُ مُستَبشِراً وَقَلبي
في غايَةِ الوَجدِ وَالوَجيبِ

8. Then, between us circulated coquetry
Like fertility on barren land

٨. فَدارَ ما بَينَنا عِتابٌ
كَالخِصبِ وافى عَلى جُدوبِ

9. I kissed him a kiss that rivals
God's forgiving my sins

٩. قَبَّلتُهُ قُبلَةً تُضاهي
تَجاوُزَ اللَهِ عَن ذُنوبي

10. And he spent the night entertaining my hearing with talk
Sweeter than triumph in wars

١٠. وَباتَ يَقري سَمعي كَلاماً
أَحلى مِنَ النَصرِ في الحُروبِ

11. And I spent the night in the chill of a life
Luxurious, delicate, and fluffy

١١. وَبِتُّ مِنهُ في برد عَيشٍ
مُفَوَّفٍ ناعِمٍ قَشيبِ

12. Oh, what a night in which I harvested
Fruits from its delicious branch

١٢. فَيا لَها لَيلَةً جَنَيتُ ال
ثِمارَ مِن غُصنِها الرَطيبِ