
Has the coffee tasted bitterness, so it inclined?

هل شرب البان شمولا فمال

1. Has the coffee tasted bitterness, so it inclined?
Or did the blow of the north wind shake it?

١. هَل شَرِبَ البانُ شَمولاً فَمال
أَم هَزَّهُ مُرُّ نَسيمِ الشَمال

2. It shook the slender waists as their heavy hips
Pulled their sides in a garden that exhales its breaths

٢. هَزَّ قُدودَ الغَيدِ إِذ جاذَبَت
أَعطافَها أَردافُهُنَّ الثِقال

3. Competing with the passion of passionate lovers.
The narcissus is still greener than its carpet and shade.

٣. في رَوضَةٍ تُرخِصُ أَنفاسُها
نافِحَةً سِعرَ الغَوالي الغَوال

4. Its stems are like green wax and the light in it
Is its light and glow.

٤. وَالنَّرجِسُ الغَضُّ عَلى السُندس ال
أَخضَرِ مِنهُ بُسطُهُ وَالزِلال

5. And the shyness of the rose and its branches
From my two deadly, flirting cheeks.

٥. كَالشَمعِ الأَخضَرِ قُضبانُهُ
وَالنّورُ فيهِ نورُهُ وَالذُبال

6. A thrill that scatters from its shade
And its flirty eyelash calls for descent.

٦. وا خَجلَةَ الوَردِ وَأَغصانِهِ
مِن وَجنَتَي قاتِلَتي بِالدَلال

7. When it hummed baring its neck,
The lion hunts the gazelle.

٧. غَريرَةٌ تَفرقُ مِن ظِلِّها
وَطَرفُها المدنَفُ يَدعو نَزال

8. It only smiled and complained
Of the jealousy of its white teeth.

٨. مَتى رَنَت مُتلِعَةً جيدَها
وَالتَفَتَت فَاللَيثُ صَيدُ الغَزال

9. We have never seen a woman before it
With a glance that captivates men's hearts.

٩. ما اِبتَسَمَت إِلّا اِنثَنَت تَشتَكي
مِن ثَغرِها الغَيرَةَ بيض اللآل

10. It forbids connection but sees
Spilling the blood of lovers as lawful.

١٠. وَما رَأَينا اِمرَأَةً قَبلَها
بِلَحظِها تَسبي قُلوبَ الرِجال

11. Its image, O Lord, is sedition for us
So Glory be to You, O Lord of Majesty.

١١. تُحَرِّمُ الوَصلَ وَلَكِن تَرى
سَفكَ دَمِ العُشّاقِ عَمداً حَلال

12. Like the full moon its face appears
Beautifully, may God protect it from imperfection.

١٢. صورَتُها يا رَبَّنا فِتنَةٌ
لَنا فَسُبحانَكَ يا ذا الجَلال

13. And I have a passion for it that could not
Be quenched by drinking pure water.

١٣. كَالبَدرِ يَبدو كامِلاً وَجهُها
حُسناً وَقاهُ اللَهُ عَينَ الكَمال

14. The nights of connection have passed joyfully through it
So oh my craving for its nights!

١٤. وَبي إِلَيها غُلَّةٌ لَم يَكُن
يَنقَعُها شُربِيَ ماءً زُلال

15. It is as if, in my view, far away
With ripe branches in bonding.

١٥. وَلَّت لَيالي الوَصلِ محمودَةً
بِها فَيا لَهفي لَها مِن لَيال

16. So they passed, and who can I see after it?
Where did today's phantom of imagination extend?

١٦. كَأَنَّها عِندي بَعيدُ المُنى
يانِعَةً أَغصانُها بِالوِصال

١٧. وَلَّت فَمَن لي بَعدها أَن أَرى
أَينَ أَمَدَّ اليَومَ طَيفُ الخَيال