
With a Babylonian glance, sweet of glance,

وبابلي اللحظ حلو اللمى

1. With a Babylonian glance, sweet of glance,
In his cheek the rose that does not fade,

١. وَبابِلِيِّ اللَحظِ حُلوِ اللَمى
في خَدِّهِ الوَردُ الَّذي لا يَحول

2. With his thin waist, my love for him weighs heavy,
And his waist is like mine, slender,

٢. بِرِدفِهِ ثقلُ غَرامي بِهِ
وَخَصرُهُ مِثلي براهُ النُحول

3. My eyes invite me to his cheek,
With a kiss, though how to reach it,

٣. أَحالَني طَرفي عَلى خَدِّهِ
بِقُبلَةٍ فيهِ وَكَيفَ الوُصول

4. He said, "I won't kiss, for the law does not
Judge in it if the acceptance is conditioned."

٤. فَقالَ لا أَقبَلُ وَالشَرعُ لا
يُحكَمُ فيهِ بِاِشتِراطِ القَبول

5. And he in this wandering, I do not dissuade
Myself from him with what he says in refusal.

٥. وَهوَ عَلى ذا التيهِ لا أَنثَني
عَنهُ بِما فيهِ يَقولُ العَذول