
They said tomorrow is the day of purpose, I said threaten

وقالوا غدا يوم النوى قلت هددوا

1. They said tomorrow is the day of purpose, I said threaten
With this, whoever sees himself alive tomorrow, O my friends

١. وَقالوا غَداً يَومَ النَوى قُلتُ هدِّدوا
بِذا مَن يُرى حَيّاً غَداً يا صِحابِيا

2. Don't you fear Allah regarding me, calm yourselves
I've had enough of your threats, away from me

٢. أَما تَتَّقونَ اللَهَ فِيَّ رُوَيدَكُم
كَفانِيَ مِمّا توعِدونِيَ ما بِيا

3. If you have found comfort O Layla, then I have
A heart that became accustomed to comfort

٣. لَئِن كُنتِ يا لَيلى سَلَوتِ فَإِنَّ لي
فُؤاداً عَنِ السلوانِ أَصبَحَ سالِيا

4. And if you slept away from my night, then I swear
By your eyes that I do not sleep nights

٤. وَإِن نِمتِ عَن لَيلي فَإِنّي لَمُقسِمٌ
بِعَينَيكِ أَنّي لا أَنامُ اللَيالِيا

5. Awake every heart except mine, for it
Is sleepless from passion and longing

٥. صَحا كُلُّ قَلبٍ غَيرَ قَلبي فَإِنَّهُ
مِنَ الوَجدِ وَالأَشواقِ لَم يَكُ صاحِيا

6. As if love stripped the ship of love
Since it came to me, it anchored my heart

٦. كَأَنَّ الهَوى بِالعِشقِ جَرَّدَ مَركَباً
فَمُذ جاءَني أَلقى بِقَلبي المَراسِيا