1. I am in love a flesh on hot coals when
I suffered both separation and union
١. أَنا في الهَوى لَحمٌ عَلى وَضَم لما
عانَيتُ مِن بَرحٍ وَمِن بُرَحاءِ
2. With his sleeves rolled up from his wrists, wrapped
He sways between confusion and vanity
٢. بِمُشَمِّرٍ عَن مِعصَمَيهِ مُزَنَّرٍ
يَهتَزُّ بَينَ التيهِ وَالخُيَلاءِ
3. The beauty of his face when it appeared from under his garb
You see above the earth a full moon in the sky
٣. غمرُ اللِباسِ مَتى بَدا لَكَ وَجهُهُ
أَبصَرتَ فَوقَ الأَرضِ بَدرَ سَماءِ
4. He never extended his hand to cut off his aberrations
Except to show us the most wondrous things
٤. ما مَدَّ مِديَتَهُ لِقَطعِ شِوائِهِ
إِلا أَرانا أَعجَبَ الأَشياءِ
5. A gazelle whose glances are more penetrating
Than a blade in his hands in the entrails
٥. ظَبيٌ لَواحِظُهُ أَشَدُّ مَواقِعاً
مِن شَفرَةٍ بِيَدَيهِ في الأَحشاءِ
6. He assaults what does not think just as his blade assaults
The rational with his hand
٦. يَسطو عَلى ما لَيسَ يَعقِلُ مَثلَماً
يَسطو بِمِديَتِهِ عَلى العُقَلاءِ
7. So wonder at the butcher whose deeds his eyelids perform
While the impact of his deeds on people is like on a sheep
٧. فَاِعجَب لِجَزّارٍ فِعالُ جُفونِهِ
في الناسِ ضِعفُ فِعالِهِ بِالشاءِ
8. His face attracts eyes with the chisel
Of its shape whether from scent or lack thereof
٨. تَستَوقِفُ الأَبصارَ بِالفُسقارِ صو
رَةُ وَجهِهِ مِن رائِحٍ أَو جائي
9. Had the full moon in the sky not existed it would not have appeared
In its color with a trace of blueness
٩. لَو لَم يَكُن بَدرَ السَماءِ لما بَدا
مِن لَونِها بِغِلالَةٍ زَرقاءِ