
O my companion, if you're a good companion

يا رفيقي إن كنت نعم الرفيق

1. O my companion, if you're a good companion
Ignore my blame, for my heart is a passionate lover

١. يا رَفيقي إِن كُنتَ نِعمَ الرَّفيقُ
دَع مَلامي فَالقَلبُ صَبٌّ مَشوقُ

2. The passion has closed for me the door of my solace
And my heart within it is burning

٢. سَدَّ عَنّي الغَرامُ بابَ سُلُوّي
وَفُؤادي بِالوَجدِ فيهِ حَريقُ

3. I have a moon made of my tears, and its brilliance
Rises whenever it shows its face

٣. قَمَرٌ لي مِن أَدمُعي وَسَناهُ
شَرقٌ كُلَّما بَدا وَشُروقُ

4. A tender branch, bent, and the soft cheek of my soul's delight
Is bent, and the cheek is soft and bent

٤. غُصنُ بانٍ غَضٌّ وَريقُ مُنى النف
سِ بِفيهِ وَالخَدُّ عَضٌّ وَريقُ

5. In it my honor is chaste, and when does it appear
My eyelashes are adulterous with it, heretic

٥. فيهِ عَفَّت سَريرَتي وَمَتى يَب
دُ فَطَرفي زانٍ بِهِ زِنديقُ

6. Abandoning faithlessness, he abandoned my tears
His lucent lips, they are carnelian

٦. غادِرٌ بِالعُقوقِ غادَرَ دَمعي
ثَغرُهُ اللؤلُؤيُّ وَهوَ عَقيقُ

7. The specters of anxiety besieged me when
No image of him came to visit me at night

٧. طَرقتني طَوارِقُ الهَمِّ لَمّا
لَم يَزُرني مِنهُ خَيالٌ طَروقُ

8. How can a specter overwhelm lovers at night
When the beloved has turned away from them

٨. كَيفَ يَغشى الخَيالُ لَيلاً طُروقاً
عاشِقاً عَنهُ أَعرَضَ المَعشوقِ

9. His glance is his sword that spills blood
And though it spills, it is pleasing

٩. لَحظُهُ سَيفُهُ يُريقُ دِماءً
وَعَلى أَنَّهُ يُريقُ يَروقُ

10. I despaired in sorrow when his beauty surpassed
And from the drunkenness of his love I became insensible

١٠. فُقتُ حُزناً إِذ فاقَ حُسناً وَمِن سك
رِ هَواهُ أَمسَيتُ لَيسَ أَفيقُ

11. It tore my heart with passion when a doubled, layered rose
Appeared on his cheek

١١. شَقَّ قَلبي بِالوَجدِ إِذ لاحَ في خَد
ديهِ وَردٌ مُضاعَفٌ وَشَقيقُ

12. Of his love I complain of what complains
Of the heaviness of the hips, and it is delicate

١٢. في هَواهُ أَشكو الَّذي يَشتَكي مِن
ثِقَلِ الرِّدفِ الخَصرُ وَهوَ دَقيقُ

13. The roses have come, so serve me, daughter of nobility
Stayed awake by her groom, the watchman

١٣. وَرَدَ الوَردُ فَاِسقِني بِنتَ كَرَمٍ
باتَ يَجلو عَروسَها الرَّاووقُ

14. In the goblet, nothing appeared to the priests
Except they sanctified it, and the patriarch was crucified

١٤. ما بَدَت لِلقُسوسِ في الكَأسِ إِلّا
قَدَّسوها وَصَلَّبَ الجاثَليقُ

15. You don't see the birds singing in the branches
And for us in spring there is an elegant garden

١٥. ما تَرى الطَيرَ في الغُصونِ تُغَنّي
وَلنا بِالرَبيعِ رَوضٌ أَنيقُ

16. I cease the scattered rain from striking the cheek
Of the rose, so that heavy musk will emanate

١٦. وَأَكُفُّ المَنثورِ تَلطِمُ خَدَّ ال
وَردِ كَيما يَفوحُ مِسكٌ سَحيقُ