1. In my heart dwells a houri of Paradise in comfort
How can such a one dwell within when it is hellfire?
١. بِقَلبِيَ حورِيُّ الجِنانِ المُنَعَّمُ
ثَوى كَيفَ يَثوي فيهِ وَهوَ جَهَنَّمُ
2. And that sickly-eyed one without any ailment
While many a healthy one is sick with passion in him
٢. وَذاكَ السَّقيمُ الطَّرف مِن غَيرِ عِلَّةٍ
وَكَم مِن صَحيحٍ فيهِ بِالوَجدِ يَسقَمُ
3. Know that the causes of love are indeed many
Hidden, though if revealed, none would blame the doting one
٣. أَلا إِنَّ أَسبابَ الغَرامِ كَثيرَةٌ
خَفينَ وَلَو يَظهَرنَ ما لامَ لُؤَّمُ
4. The tears of a youth's ardour are pearly white
Yet how can you see them as white when their essence is blood?
٤. دُموعُ شُئونِ الصَبِّ بيضٌ تَصَعَّدَت
وَكَيفَ تَرى بيضاً وَعُنصُرُها دَمُ
5. None attain the desire of their soul except the debauched
Who lavish whatever passion dictates or money can buy
٥. وَلَم يُؤتَ سُؤلَ النَفسِ إِلا مُدَنَّرٌ
يَجودُ بِما يَقضي الهَوى أَو مُدَرهَمُ
6. One such as I, bankrupt, never attaining
The wish of his soul, that destitute orphan
٦. وَمَن كانَ مِثلي مُفلِساً لَم يَصِل إِلى
مُنى نَفسِهِ وَهوَ الفَقيرُ المُتَيَّمُ
7. My she-camel's neck smoothly alluring, browsing
Amid the sand-dunes is a straight firm twig
٧. وَبي رَشَأٌ حُلوُ الدَلالِ يَميسُ في
كَثيبِ النَقا مِنهُ قَضيبٌ مُقَوَّمُ
8. With his eyelids are Harut and Marut of Babylon
By their sorcery the people learn magic from them
٨. بِجَفنَيهِ هاروتٌ وَماروتُ بابِلٍ
لِسِحرِهِما مِنهُ الوَرى يَتَعَلَّمُ
9. When they breathe their charm, no amulet avails the lovesick
Nor does any salve cure their talk in the heart
٩. إِذا نَفثا لَم تنفَعِ الصَبَّ رُقَيَّةٌ
وَلَم يُغنِ عَن كَلمَيهِما القَلبَ مَرهَمُ
10. So every person then says: O Lord, deliver me
You, You alone are the Deliverer
١٠. فَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ في الناسِ إِذ ذاكَ قائِلٌ
أَيا رَبِّ سَلِّم أَنتَ أَنتَ المُسَلِّمُ
11. Whenever the whites of a Doe-eyed Beauty flash
And glance like arrows shot by a Turk
١١. مَتى ما رَنا غارَت جَآذِرُ جاسِمٍ
وَوَلَّت كَأَن فيها مِنَ التُركِ أَسهُمُ
12. The Turks, had they passed the sons of Udhra
Would not be enamoured of the dark-eyed beauties
١٢. بَنو التُركِ لَو مَرَّت بِأَبناءِ عُذرَةٍ
لَما كانَ فيها بِالكَواعِبِ مُغرَمُ
13. And they attribute their lineage to every male ancestor
Thereby the ancient refined eye is praised
١٣. وَلا نَسَبوا إِلّا بِكُلِّ مُذكَّرٍ
بِهِ يُمدَحُ الطِرفُ العَتيقُ المُطَهَّمُ
14. He is the sun, the crescent moon, his gaze a new moon
Revolving in the necklace that is his night-dark eyes
١٤. هُوَ الشَمسُ وَالسَّرجُ الهِلالُ وَطَرفُهُ
لَهُ فَلَكٌ في حِليَةٍ هِيَ أَلجُمُ
15. They mention not Layla, nor Umm Jundub
Nor their legendary beauty Umm 'Amr or Kulthum
١٥. وَلا ذَكَروا لَيلى وَلا أُمَّ جُندُبٍ
وَلا تَيَّمَتهُم أُمُّ عَمرٍو وَكَلثَمُ
16. And how many languid gazes among them
Bashful, their glances coy and modest
١٦. وَكَم فيهِم مِن شادِنٍ ثَمِلِ الخُطا
مُعَربِدَةٌ أَلحاظُهُ يَتَحَكَّمُ
17. His image when alone rivals the wine-drinker's revelry
The light of his countenance outshines the goblet's redolence
١٧. يُخالُ إِذا ما اِختالَ شارِبَ قَهوَةٍ
جَلا نورَها كَأسُ الرَحيقِ المُفَدَّمُ
18. A princeling who fells the lion bowed in humility
When he scowls or when veiled from behind his cover
١٨. رَبيبُ مُلوكٍ يَصرَعُ الأُسدَ رانِياً
إِذا كَرَّ مِنهُ مُسفِرٌ أَو مُلَثَّمُ
19. He attains all he desires at every impasse
Without knight or horse being pushed back confused
١٩. وَيَبلُغُ ما يَهواهُ في كُلِّ مَأزِقٍ
وَلا هُزَّ عَسّالٌ وَلا سُلَّ مِخذَمُ
20. No coat of mail has been pierced by him
As if in it are snakes and leopards' eyes watching
٢٠. وَلا أُفرِغَت دِرعٌ عَلَيهِ كَأَن بِها
عُيونُ الأَفاعي وَالدَّبى يَتَوَسَّمُ
21. Rather with a hint of his gaze he gestures
And the valiant army yields to him fully
٢١. وَلَكِنَّهُ يَرنو بِأَيسَر لَحظَةٍ
فَيَعنو لَهُ الجَيشُ اللُّهامُ العَرَمرَمُ
22. He had no need for a helmet's protection
When his sword gleamed in the night, no darkness remained
٢٢. وَلَم يَكُ مُحتاجاً إِلى لبسِ خوذَةٍ
إِذا بَرَقَت في اللَيلِ لَم يَبقَ مُظلِمُ
23. He rules the minds of the wise with his beauty
While the magnificent, glorious King rules him
٢٣. وَيَملِكُ ألبابَ الكُماةِ بِحُسنِهِ
وَيَملِكُهُ المَلكُ الهُمامُ المُعَظَّمُ
24. When he prays, no unbeliever on earth is afraid
Nor does any Muslim fear the enemies' might
٢٤. إِذا صالَ لَم يُرهَب عَلى الأَرضِ كافِرٌ
وَلَم يَخشَ مِن بَأسِ المُعادينَ مُسلِمُ
25. He is the lion, if not for the lightning and thunder guarding him
He is the sea, boundless in generosity and greatest in greatness
٢٥. هُوَ اللَيثُ لَولا البَرقُ وَالرَّعدُ دونَهُ
هُوَ البَحرُ جوداً وَالمُعَظَّمُ أَعظَمُ
26. He is the lion in valour, but the lion is playful
While Isa is always smiling radiantly
٢٦. هُوَ اللَيثُ بَأساً لَكِنِ اللَيثُ عابِثٌ
قَطوبٌ وَعيسى لَم يَزَل يَتَبَسَّمُ
27. My Shaykh at Ash-Shi'ra, but poverty blocks my way
I own neither a dirham nor a drachma
٢٧. مَليكِيَ بِالشِعرى وَقَد حيلَ دونَهُ
وَما لِيَ دينارٌ وَلا لِيَ دِرهَمُ
28. You whose generosity encompasses the world
So none but I am deprived among mankind
٢٨. وَأَنتَ الَّذي قَد طَبَّقَ الأَرضَ جودُهُ
فَلَيسَ بِها غَيري مِنَ الناسِ مُعدِمُ
29. Release my hand from what I lately possessed
And favour me by granting substitution, for I am forbidden
٢٩. فَأَطلِق يَدي فيما تَمَلَّكتُ آنِفاً
وَأَنعِم بِإِحلالي فَإِنّي مُحَرَّمُ
30. Bestow on me with your noble script, its blackness
Is the Black Stone, reverently touched and kissed
٣٠. وَجُد لي بِتَوقيعٍ شَريفٍ سَوادُهُ
هُوَ الحَجَرُ المُسوَدُّ في الرُكنِ يُلثَمُ
31. Be ever generous, attain wishes, and grant me success
You keep giving whom You will and depriving whom You will.
٣١. وَدُم أَبداً وَاِفنِ العِدا وَاِبلُغِ المُنى
وَلا زِلتَ تُعطي مَن تَشاءُ وَتَحرِمُ