1. Rise, pour the green date wine
In the cup, like a red ruby
١. قُم فَاِجلُ بِنتَ الكَرمَةِ الخَضراءِ
في الكَأسِ كَالياقوتَةِ الحَمراءِ
2. Delight, whenever it shines in her cup
Overflowing, its glow on those seated
٢. راحٌ مَتى ما أَشرَقَت في كَأسِها
فاضَت أَشِعَّتُها عَلى الجُلَساءِ
3. In drinking it, from every heart a desire
As though it was created from passions
٣. في شُربِها مِن كُلِّ قَلبٍ شَهوَةٍ
فَكَأَنَّها خُلِقَت مِنَ الأَهواءِ
4. And when it sparkles in the dark night
It defeats the darkness of night with brilliance
٤. وَإِذا اِنجَلَت في اللَيلَةِ الليلاءِ
هَزَمَت ظَلامَ اللَيلِ بِالآلاءِ
5. Oh you who blame me for drinking it, you have tempted me
With faulting it, the height of allure
٥. يا لائِمي في شُربِها أَغرَيتَني
بِاللَومِ فيها غايَةَ الإِغراءِ
6. Oh how good it is in autumn and otherwise
At all times and occasions
٦. يا حَبَّذا هِيَ في الخَريفِ وَغَيرِهِ
في سائِرِ الأَوقاتِ وَالآناءِ
7. From the palm of a tawny Babylon
That sways like the blackish gazelle
٧. مِن كَفّ أَسمَرَ بابِلِيٍّ قَدُّهُ
يَهتَزُّ مِثلَ الصَعدَةِ السَمراءِ
8. While the cup has strewn on his cheeks
Petals of anemones, a seduction to the onlooker
٨. وَالكَأسُ قَد نَثَرَت عَلى وَجناتِهِ
وَرَقَ الشَقائِقِ فِتنَةً لِلرائي
9. His eyes, two narcissi, but his rosy cheeks
Were made from the blood of hearts
٩. عَيناهُ نَرجِسَتانِ لَكِن وَردَتا
خَدَّيهِ ضُمِّنَتا دَمَ الأَحشاءِ
10. What is life but for wine and drinking it
But with the virtuous and the wise
١٠. ما العَيشُ إِلا في المدامِ وَشُربِها
لَكِن مَعَ الظُرَفاءِ وَالعُقَلاءِ