
I fell ill from the absence of a beloved who was distant

مرضت لطيف كان منه صدود

1. I fell ill from the absence of a beloved who was distant
Perhaps the phantom of my bliss will return and recur

١. مَرِضتُ لِطيفٍ كانَ مِنهُ صُدود
عَسى طَيفُ سُعدى أَن يَعودَ يَعودُ

2. And how can the phantom return from his heart
While it is fuel for the fires of passion and tinder

٢. وَكَيفَ يَعودُ الطَّيفُ من بِفُؤادِهِ
وفودٌ لِنيرانِ الهَوى وَوَقودُ

3. By the unique, unmatched lesson we both learned
Gazelles took shelter among the black gazelles

٣. وَبِالعَلَمِ الفردِ الَّذي تعلمانه
ظِباءٌ حَمَتها بِالظُباةِ أُسودُ

4. And whites belong to her, the thin, delicate whites
And chestnuts belong to her, the smooth, svelte chestnuts

٤. وَبِيضٌ لَها البِيضُ الرِقاقُ لَواحِظٌ
وَسُمرٌ لَها السُمرُ الرِشاقُ قُدودُ

5. My visitor has been long absent, yet how far
Is the sullen lover from the gates of correspondence

٥. لَقَد بَعُدَت مِنّي زَرودٌ وَأَينَ مِن
كَئيبٍ بِأَبوابِ البَريدِ زَرودُ

6. And I have a slender-waisted, smooth-necked doe
Her gowns are ragged, her blankets are coarse

٦. وَبي غادَةٌ جيداءُ لمياءُ لَدنَةُ ال
مَعاطِفِ غَرثاءُ المَراشِفِ رُودُ

7. Disheveled, tousled, her waist wrap comes undone
In her cheeks are wine and embers, lacking stillness or slumber

٧. مُهَفهَفَةٌ رَيّا المُخَلخَلِ فَعمَةُ ال
مُؤَزَّرِ غَرثى الخَصرِ فَهوَ جَهيدُ

8. When she walks, flowing in the dust behind her
Are black tresses from those braids, dark black

٨. بِوَجنَتِها خمرٌ وَجمرٌ فَما لذا
جُمودٌ وَلا في حَرِّ ذاكَ خُمودُ

9. What ruddy gazelle sings more sweetly
To make you forget she can barely bleat

٩. إِذا ما مَشَت يَنسابُ في التُربِ خَلفَها
أَساوِدُ من تِلكَ الضَفائِرِ سُودُ

10. Fate cast him a barbed arrow
So blood flowed freely from his veins

١٠. وَما ظَبيَةٌ أَدماءُ تَزجي شُوَيدِناً
أَغَنَّ فَعَنهُ ما تَكادُ تَحيدُ

11. She passed by in fear and bereavement while his body
Oozed with spilled blood

١١. أَتاحَت لَهُ الأَقدارُ سَهماً مُقَذَّذاً
فَلِلنَصلِ مِن حَبلِ الوَريدِ ورودُ

12. More agonized than I on the day of concealment, when
The caravan said "Where are you headed?"

١٢. فَمَرَّت عَلى خَوفٍ وَثُكلٍ وَجيدُهُ
عَقيرٌ بِمَسفوحِ الدِّماءِ يَجودُ

13. If I was asked what I wished for when
Old age had left me frail, I'd say: "To return!"

١٣. بِأَوجَعَ مِنّي يَوم كاظِمَةٍ وَقَد
ظعنتُ فَقالَ الرَكبُ أَينَ تُريدُ

١٤. فَلَو قيلَ لي ماذا تَمَنّى وَقَد خَدَت
بي العرمِسُ الوَجناءُ قُلتُ أَعودُ