
Alas! Many a whisperer in your love, my blamer,

ألا رب واش في هواك ولاحي

1. Alas! Many a whisperer in your love, my blamer,
I have repelled, but they have not attained salvation.

١. أَلا رُبَّ واشٍ في هَواكَ وَلاحي
رَدَدتُهُما لَم يَظفَرا بِفَلاحِ

2. So O you whose sides are occupied with him,
My excellence and corruption are with him, and my success.

٢. فَيا مَن جِهاتي الستُّ مَشغولَةٌ بِهِ
أَجَل وَفَسادي عِندَهُ وَصَلاحي

3. Your excuse is my basil, and your eyes my narcissus,
And your cheek my apple, and your saliva my comfort.

٣. عِذاراكَ رَيحاني وَعَيناكَ نَرجِسي
وَخَدّاكَ تُفّاحي وَريقُكَ راحي

4. And your cheeks my night, if I crave solitude,
So do not smile, the light of my dawn will shine.

٤. وَصُدغاكَ لَيلي إِن هَمَمتُ بِخَلوَةٍ
فَلا تَبتَسِم يُشرِق ضِياءُ صَباحي

5. O, how good you are! Your cheek grew roses
At the sight of him in the cup the light of sparks.

٥. فَيا لَكَ طيباً أَنبَتَ الوَردَ خَدُّهُ
لَدَى رَعيِهِ في الكَأسِ نَورَ أَقاحِ

6. Your stature makes spears quiver by its wavering,
And the blackness of eyelids the whiteness of shining.

٦. قَوامُكَ سَلّابُ الرِماحِ اِهتِزازَها
وَحَشوُ الجُفونِ السودِ بيضُ صِفاحِ

7. The glances' arrows missed from the bow of an eyebrow,
Your arrows are feathered with the wing of success.

٧. رَمَتنا سِهامُ اللَّحظِ عَن قَوسِ حاجِبٍ
سِهامُكِ ريشَت مِن جَناحِ نَجاحِ

8. To God we complain of a heart's burning
From the breath of sick eyelids' recovery.

٨. إِلى اللَهِ نَشكو مِن جَوىً بِقلوبِنا
لِنَفثِ مَريضاتِ الجُفونِ صِحاحِ

9. We have not seen a Turk but you as a challenger
Debating heroes without other weaponry.

٩. وَلَم نَرَ تُركِياً سِواكَ مُبارِزاً
يُجَدِّلُ أَبطالاً بِغَيرِ سِلاحِ

10. He whose breath is myrrh, his eyelids will be drunk,
And they are merry though losing consciousness.

١٠. وَمَن تَكُنِ الإِسفِنطُ في فيهِ ريقَةً
فَأَجفانُهُ سَكرى وَهُنَّ صَواحي

11. My heart is surely obsessed with your Turkish charm,
So leave me with eggs like the eggs of ostriches.

١١. فُؤادي بِسُمرِ التُركِ لا شَكَّ هائِمٌ
فَدَعنِيَ مِن بيضٍ كَبيضِ أَداحي

12. The friends of Joseph never reached his extent,
So take it seriously without joking.

١٢. فَما بَلَغَت قِدماً صَواحِبُ يوسُفٍ
مَداهُ فَخُذ جِداً بِغَيرِ مِزاحِ

13. Do you not see the male peacocks with them
Ugly females encountered with salt.

١٣. أَلَم تَرَ ذُكرانَ الطَواويسِ عِندَها ال
إِناثُ قِباحٌ قوبِلَت بِمِلاحِ

14. I neither desire this nor that,
The winds refused to blow away my worries.

١٤. وَما أَنا في هاتا وَلا ذاكَ راغِبٌ
أَبَت في التَصابي أَن تَهُبَّ رِياحي