
Extend to me a hand, accustomed to generosity,

امدد إلي يدا يعتادها الكرم

1. Extend to me a hand, accustomed to generosity,
By which the past wielded sword and pen.

١. اُمدُد إِلَيَّ يَداً يَعتادُها الكَرَمُ
سَما بِها الماضِيانِ السَيفُ وَالقَلَمُ

2. Its palm is the unyielding rock of the pillars,
And its back, the unyielding rock of Islam.

٢. فَبَطنُها حَجَرُ الأَسباطِ مُنبَجِساً
وَظَهرُها حَجَرُ الإِسلامِ يُستَلَمُ

3. For the companion, the son of Ali, it aspires to the heights,
Not equalled by Arabs or non-Arabs in stature.

٣. لِلصاحِبِ ابنِ عَلِيٍّ في العُلا هِمَمٌ
لَم يَدنُ مِن شَأوِها عُربٌ وَلا عَجَمُ

4. Were ibn Abbad to see him, he would become
His slave, so stunned by his greatness to move a step.

٤. فَلَو رَآهُ اِبنُ عبّادٍ لَصارَ لَهُ
عَبداً وَزَلَّت بِهِ عَن شَأوِهِ القَدَمُ

5. Not ibn al-Amīd, nor Abd al-Hamid, nor yet
As-Sābi have his virtues and qualities.

٥. لا اِبنُ العَميدِ وَلا عَبدُ الحَميدِ وَلا ال
صابي لَهُم هَذِهِ الأَخلاقُ وَالشِيَمُ

6. The learned ones of the age all bowed down to him,
For he is the pure, the immaculate, the learned sage.

٦. دانَت لَهُ عُلَماءُ الدَهرِ قاطِبَةً
فَهوَ التَقِيُّ النَقِيُّ الطاهِرُ العَلَمُ

7. So why should he be distressed, enveloped in generosity,
While his honor is protected by his sanctity?

٧. فَما لَهُ بِالنَدى يَجتاحُهُ كَرَمٌ
وَعِرضُهُ مِن أَياديهِ لَهُ حَرَمُ

8. By good fortune, support, and cunning, his enemies
Complied with him, though they were not at peace.

٨. بِالسَعدِ وَالأَيدِ وَالكَيدِ اِستَجابَ لَهُ
أَعداؤُهُ جَنَحاً لِلسَّلمِ لا سَلِموا

9. They recite their troubles and comforts to him,
While his heart burns with those whose hearts are cruel.

٩. هُم يُنشِدونَ لِبَلواهُم وَراحَتهِ
وا حَرَّ قَلباهُ مِمَّن قَلبُهُ شَبِمُ

10. Tell me - is this, which a pen commands,
The key to sustenance, or a banner?

١٠. قُل لي أَهَذا الَّذي تَسطو بِهِ قَلَمٌ
بِهِ المَفاتِحُ لِلأَرزاقِ أَم عَلَمُ

11. For gentlefolk, through it flows an eternal spring,
While for rebels, its sharpness sheds blood.

١١. فَلِلعُفاةِ بِهِ مُنهَلَّةٌ دِيَمٌ
وَلِلعُصاةِ بِحَدَّيهِ يُراقُ دَمُ