
I was distressed, though my patience is not enduring,

جزعت ولم يكن جلدي صبورا

1. I was distressed, though my patience is not enduring,
And my soul refused all but aversion,

١. جَزِعتُ وَلَم يَكُن جَلَدي صَبورا
وَعَن خَلَدي أَبى إِلّا نُفورا

2. And I feared, though God protected me from
Seeing a frowning, gloomy day.

٢. وَخِفتُ وَقَد وَقاني اللَهُ مِن أَن
أَرى يَوماً عَبوساً قَمطَريرا

3. One evening it was said Crown of Faith was ill
And frail - what a great loss that would be!

٣. عَشِيَّةَ قيلَ تاجُ الدينِ مُضنىً
نَحيفاً يا لَهُ يَفَناً كَبيرا

4. So the hearts of excellence trembled
With a fear that filled their breasts.

٤. فَأَفئِدَةُ الفَضائِلِ واجِفاتٌ
مِنَ الخَوفِ الَّذي مَلَأَ الصُدورا

5. But the herald brought me the news of his recovery
From his illness, so I kissed the herald.

٥. فَوافاني البَشيرُ بِبُرئِهِ مِن
شَكِيَّتِهِ فَقَبَّلتُ البَشيرا

6. And had I not been a poor man,
I would have rewarded him to enrich the poor.

٦. وَلَولا أَنَّني رَجُلٌ فَقيرٌ
لَجُدتُ بِرَشوَةٍ تُغني الفَقيرا

7. But according to my meager means
I vowed offerings to God.

٧. وَلَكِنّي عَلى مِقدارِ حالي ال
ضَعيفِ نَذَرتُ لِلَهِ النُذورا

8. Yet to my Lord I was but His thankful
And reverent servant in His benevolence.

٨. وَلَكِن لَم أَكُن إِلّا لِرَبّي
عَلى إِبلالِهِ عَبداً شَكورا

9. And I spoke - and a great honor came to me -
Words that were honest, not false.

٩. وَقُلتُ وَنالَني جَذَلٌ عَظيمٌ
مَقالاً لَم يَكُن مَيناً وَزورا

10. When the Kendi, Crown of Faith, triumphed
And was not defeated, joy triumphed.

١٠. إِذا الكِندِيُّ تاجُ الدينِ زَيدٌ
أَبَلَّ وَلَم يُبَل حُزتُ السُرورا

11. And by his recovery my era became radiant,
Gleaming, sparkling, light upon light.

١١. وَصارَ بِبُرئِهِ زَمَني رَبيعاً
مَريعاً مُتأَقاً نَوراً وَنُورا

12. Its raven remains there copiously,
Living well, refusing to fly.

١٢. يَظَلُّ غُرابُهُ فيهِ مُلِثّاً
رَفيعَ العَيشِ يَأبى أَن يَطيرا

13. Before the exalted king, from whom comes a crown
Above which time has defeated eras.

١٣. لَدى المَلِكِ المُعَظَّمِ مِنهُ تاجٌ
عَلَيهِ دَهرُهُ غَلَبَ الدُهورا

14. So the Persian was Abu Ali
Before the Support whose rule grasped affairs.

١٤. فَكانَ الفارِسِيَّ أَبا عَلِيٍّ
لَدى العَضُدِ الَّذي مَلَكَ الأُمورا

15. O father of fortune, hear from me verses
That came to you seeking your pardon.

١٥. أَبا اليُمنِ اِستَمِع مِنّي قَريضاً
بِعَفوِكَ عَنهُ جاءَكَ مُستَجيرا

16. The Kendi reciter is like one who gifted
Poetry to the hajar al-tumur.

١٦. وَإِنَّ المُنشِدَ الكِندِيَّ بَيتاً
كَمَن أَهدى إِلى هَجر التُمورا

17. And here I am, head bowed in shyness,
Though I were Al-Farazdaq or Jarir.

١٧. وَها أَنا مُطرِقٌ مِنهُ حَياءً
وَلَو كُنتُ الفَرَزدَقَ أَو جَريرا

18. You have surpassed people in the realm of glory,
So the world did not look upon your like.

١٨. شَأَوتَ الناسَ في دَركِ المَعالي
فَلَم تَنظُر لَكَ الدُنيا نَظيرا

19. You were given what no people were given,
So live a life by which you defeat the eagles.

١٩. لَقَد أُوتيتَ ما لَم يُؤتَ خَلقٌ
فَعِش عُمراً تَفوتُ بِهِ النُسورا

20. And were it not for weakness, I would come to you racing
To look upon your moon-like brilliant face.

٢٠. وَلَولا الضَعفُ جِئتُ إِلَيكَ أَسعى
لِأَنظُرَ وَجهَكَ القَمَرَ المُنيرا

21. And you know what I have exhaled herein,
So how can I inform the wise one?

٢١. وَأَنتَ بِما نَفَثتُ بِهِ خَبيرٌ
فَكَيفَ أُنَبِّئُ الفَطنَ الخَبير