1. With kohl-darkened eyes, sharp teeth, and claws unsheathed
He charges at the Arameans with victory and fury
١. وَذي كَحَلٍ شَثنِ البَراثِنِ وَثّابِ
يَصولُ عَلى الآرامِ بِالظُفرِ وَالنّابِ
2. When he extends his victorious claws
His outstretched paws have unstoppable blades
٢. مُظَفَّرِ أَظفارٍ إِذا مَدَّ باعَهُ
سَطا بِنُيوبٍ حَدُّها لَيسَ بِالنابي
3. How many gazelle eyes have peered in fright
At his formidable prowess while hunting
٣. فَكَم عَينِ ظَبيٍ حَدَّقَت بِإِهابِهِ
إِلى صَيدِ ظَبي فَهوَ مِن بِأسِهِ كابي
4. And since the sun was called a gazelle
It has wished for a sheltering refuge from him
٤. وَمُذ سُمِّيَت شَمسُ النهارِ غَزالَةً
تَمَنَّت مَغيباً خيفَةً مِنهُ بِالغابِ
5. Through him the noble victorious king is content
Though people shy from his taut bow
٥. بِهِ الأَشرَفُ المَلكُ المُظَفَّرُ مُكتَفٍ
وَإِن كانَ أَرمى الناس عَن قَوس نَشّابِ
6. He is the wakeful tiger, not the sleeping leopard
Like Moses' serpent, most beautifully formed
٦. هُوَ النَمِرُ اليَقظانُ لا الفَهدُ نائِماً
كَثُعبانِ موسى وَهوَ أَحسنُ مُنسابِ
7. Moses remains the triumphing king of Armenia
Vanquishing every foe, no matter how long it takes
٧. فَلا زالَ موسى شاه أرمَنَ ظافِراً
بِكُلِّ عَدُوٍّ لا بِتَأخيرِ أَحقابِ