
The clouds of my past era have irrigated me

سقى السالف من دهري

1. The clouds of my past era have irrigated me
With pouring rain that lingers

١. سَقى السالِفَ مِن دَهري
سَحابٌ واكِفُ القَطرِ

2. My pleasures have certainly departed
And I have not enjoyed my life

٢. لَقَد وَلّى بِلَذّاتي
وَما أَحمَدتُ مِن عُمري

3. Oh, blessed was the era of tender youth
More blessed than any era

٣. أَلا يا حَبَّذا عَصرُ ال
شَبابِ الغَضِّ مِن عَصرِ

4. When I used to reap the livelihood
From its ever-green glades

٤. زَماناً كُنتُ أَجني العَي
شَ مِن أَفنائِهِ الخُضرِ

5. Youth has certainly departed, tender
And elegant, with meadows and flowers

٥. لَقَد وَلّى الصِبا غَضّاً
أَنيقَ الرَّوضِ وَالزَّهرِ

6. In the company of every slender and graceful belle
With pleasant scent and soft skin

٦. لَدى كُلِّ فَتاةٍ غا
دَةٍ طَيِّبَةِ النَّشرِ

7. She shows you the full moon in the darkness of night
Shining like a pearl

٧. تُريكَ البَدرَ بَدرَ التِّم
مِ في لَيلٍ مِنَ الشّعرِ

8. When she smiles, she reveals pearls
As her lips part from her teeth

٨. وَتَفتَرُّ عَنِ الدُرِّ
إِذا اِفتَرَّت عَنِ الثَغرِ

9. When she walks, her waist almost sways
And buds forth from her chest

٩. إِذا ماسَت يَكادُ الرِّد
فُ يَنبَتُّ مِنَ الخَصرِ

10. And how much intoxication we derived
From her glances, not to mention her sweetness

١٠. وَكَم سُكرٍ لَنا مِن لَح
ظِها ناهيكَ مِن سُكرِ

11. Her amorous glance oozes
And casts a spell on hearts and minds

١١. وَأَحوى لَحظُهُ يَنفُ
ثُ في الأَلبابِ بِالسِّحرِ

12. Slender of form, she sways
Swinging her curvy body

١٢. رَشيقُ القَدِّ يَنأَدُّ
فَيُزري بِالقَنا السُّمرِ

13. The excuses on her cheek have spread
Pleading my innocence

١٣. وَقَد دَبَّ بِخَدَّيهِ
عِذارٌ باسِطٌ عُذري

14. And how many nights went by
Between dusk and dawn

١٤. فَكَم مِن لَيلَةٍ مازا
لَ بَينَ السَحرِ وَالنَّحرِ

15. Until the army of dawn raided the night
Disturbing it with uproar

١٥. إِلى أَن عاثَ في اللَيلِ
مُغيراً عَسكَرُ الفَجرِ

16. Those days of ours have passed
Nobly, though now beyond recall

١٦. مَضَت أَيّامُنا تِلكَ
حَميداتٍ وَلَم نَدرِ