1. Turn the sun of spikenard in the darkness upon the soft sands, O sun of daytime.
A wine cup whose color appears liberated like the opposites of water and fire.
١. أَديري في الدُّجى شَمسَ العُقارِ
عَلى النُدَماءِ يا شَمسَ النَّهارِ
2. And a cupbearer like a bough of acacia, flowing easily,
Has colored us with the redness and blushing of intoxication.
٢. مُعَتَّقَةً كميت اللَونِ يَبدو
بِها الضِّدانِ مِن ماءٍ وَنارِ
3. The bracelet was congested so it bit a smooth part of her wrist,
For her who would kiss my bracelet if I asked.
٣. وَساقِيَةٍ كَغُصنِ البانِ قَدّاً
سَبتَنا بِاِحوِرارٍ وَاِحمِرارِ
4. Does the thread of her acacia necklace bear a glowing ember,
With which it sets her cheeks ablaze from its sparks?
٤. وَقَد غَصَّ السِوارُ فَعَضَّ زنداً
لَها مَن لي بِتَقبيلِ السِوارِ
5. Remove gravity from me through her, for I see
The doffing of modesty upon the spikenard.
٥. أَيَحمِلُ خَوطُ بانٍ جُلَّناراً
بِهِ مِن وَجنَتَيها جُلُّ ناري
6. And give me drink below you until you see me
Wept for tomorrow by the veiled women.
٦. أَمِط عَنّي الوَقارَ بِها فَإِنّي
أَرى خَلعَ العِذارِ عَلى العُقارِ
7. No worries can be consoled like drinking carefree
Wine whose intoxication wanders in the night aimlessly.
٧. وَدونَكَ فَاِسقِني حَتّى تَراني
غَداً يُبكى عَلَيَّ مِنَ الخُمارِ
8. When the armies of worries attack and retreat,
The armies of worries signal their flight.
٨. فَما سَلّى الهُمومَ كَشُربِ راحٍ
كُمَيتٍ زَندُها في اللَيلِ واري
9. So meet her early at the two limpid waters between
The encampments, of which one flows and one is still.
٩. إِذا صَدَمَت جُيوشَ الهَمِّ وَلَّت
جُيوشُ الهَمِّ تُؤذِنُ بِالفِرارِ
10. When the breeze blows upon it, it shows us
The pattern of the water skin as it sails by.
١٠. فَباكِرها عَلى ماءَينِ بَينَ ال
خَمائِلِ مِنهُما ساحٍ وَجاري
١١. إِذا هَبَّ النَسيمُ عَلَيهِ أَبدى
لَنا نَقشَ المُبارِدِ وَهوَ طاري