
The garden of spring is perfumed and embroidered

روض الربيع مفوف ومدبج

1. The garden of spring is perfumed and embroidered
Was there ever in Sanaa a foot that could weave it?

١. رَوضُ الرَبيعِ مُفَوَّفٌ وَمُدَبَّجُ
هَل كانَ في صَنعاءَ قِدماً يُنسَجُ

2. Wondrous is it, though its air is pure and mild
Its breeze gentle, frail yet exhilarating

٢. عَجَباً لَهُ وَهوَ الصَحيحُ مِزاجُهُ
وَنَسيمُهُ دَنِفٌ عَليلٌ مُبهِجُ

3. As if the branches amidst its gardens
Were linked coats of mail, intricately interwoven

٣. وَكَأَنَّما الغُدرانُ بَينَ رِياضِهِ
حُبكُ الدُروعِ بِمَرِّهِ تَتَمَوَّجُ

4. Its trees like brides gloriously adorned
In veils of its light, splendidly arrayed

٤. أَشجارُهُ كَعَرائِسٍ تَختالُ بَي
نَ غَلائِلٍ مِن نَورِهِ وَتَبَرَّجُ

5. And leaves on the boughs like singing girls
Swaying with the boughs, dancing with delight

٥. وَالوُرقُ في العيدانِ كَالقَيناتِ
بِالعيدانِ تَرمُلُ بِالبمومِ وَتهزجُ

6. And with its mesmerizing beauty the gazelle
Has planted a garden for our eyes to behold

٦. وَمُهَفهَفٍ غَرَسَ الجَمالُ بِوَجهِهِ
رَوضاً فَفيهِ عُيونُنا تَتَفَرَّجُ

7. Its eyes two narcissus beds, weakened, and in them
Wine mixed with cool water flows

٧. عَيناهُ نَرجستانِ أُضعِفَتا وَفي
فيهِ المُدامُ بِماءِ مُزنٍ تُمزَجُ

8. And its cheek a double rose, yet
Fenced about with stems of lush ivy

٨. وَالخَدُّ وَردٌ مُضعَفٌ لَكِنَّهُ
بِالآسِ مِن نَبتِ العِذارِ مُسَيَّجُ

9. Its lips part to reveal the light of pearls
And when it breathes, the scent of sweet basil wafts

٩. يَفتَرُّ عَن نورِ الأَقاحي ثَغرُهُ
وَإِذا تَنَفَّسَ فاحَ مِنهُ بَنَفسَجُ

10. In its glances are Harut and Marut
Sorcerers who feel no shame

١٠. وَلِحاظُهُ فيهِنَّ هاروتٌ وَما
روتٌ سِواحِرُ وَهيَ لا تَتَحَرَّجُ

11. Its face reveals to us the most precious jewels
No, but its very existence is greater and most splendid

١١. يُبدي لَنا أَغلى الجَواهِرِ وَجهُهُ
لا بَل مُحَيّاهُ أَجَلُّ وَأَبهَجُ

12. Its neck lovingly curved like a eucalyptus branch
Dove chicks sheltering beneath it murmuring

١٢. مُتَأَوِّدٌ كَالخَيزُرانَةِ قَدُّهُ
حِقفُ النَقا مِن تَحتِهِ يَتَرَجرَجُ

13. The morning sun and the full moon night of its perfection
Gaze enviously upon its face

١٣. وَتَكادُ تَحسُدُ وَجهَهُ شَمسُ الضُحى
وَالبَدرُ لَيلَةَ تمِّهِ المُتَبَرِّجُ

14. Oh how the doves are slain by God
For with their songs to lovers they excite

١٤. يا قاتلَ اللَهُ الحَمائِمَ إِنَّها
بِغِنائِها لِلعاشِقينَ تُهَيِّجُ

15. I weep and complain of the loss of their cooing
Sorrowfully, and in the shrubs I lament

١٥. أَبكي وَيَشكو مِن فِراقِ هَديلِهِ
أَسَفاً وَيُنشِدُ في الأَراكِ وَأَنشُجُ

16. Glory to its Creator - how many temptations
Arise from the beauty of its form for us

١٦. سُبحانَ خالِقِهِ فَكَم مِن فِتنَةٍ
مِن حُسنِ صورَتِهِ عَلَينا تَخرُجُ