1. I yearn while my heart is consumed with love
And tears rain from my eyelids' clouds
١. أَهيمُ وَقَلبي بِالغَرامِ وَلوعُ
وَمِن سُحبِ أَجفاني تَفيضُ دُموعُ
2. My resolve is shattered though passion remains unabated
My pledge to resolve was sound and complete before
٢. تَشَتَّتَ شَملي وَالهَوى غَيرُ نازِحٍ
وَعَهدي بِشَملي قَبلُ وَهوَ جَميعُ
3. Alas, how many agonized sighs rend me
Breaking my bones and ribs through and through
٣. فَوا أَسَفي كَم شَهقَةٍ لي مِنَ النَّوى
تَفَتَّتُ مِنها أَعظُمٌ وَضُلوعُ
4. None provoked me except wanton, warbling doves
Strange and alighting in the midst of dwellings
٤. وَما هاجَني إِلّا حَمائِمُ هُتَّفٌ
وَأَغرِبَةٌ وَسطَ الدِّيارِ وُقوعُ
5. No dove has ever felt what I feel
Shaded by the boughs amid the thickets
٥. وَما وَجَدَت يَوماً كَوَجدي حَمامَةٌ
تُظَلِّلُها بَينَ الأَراكِ فُروعُ
6. And a hawk swooped down to terrorize her
At dawn, as she headed towards her fledglings
٦. وَأَهوى إِلَيها شَوذَنيقٌ أراعَها
ضُحىً وَلَها نَحوَ الفِراخِ نُزوعُ
7. His claws did rip her, while he is urged on
Leaving gashes in her breast and heart
٧. وَقَد ضَبَثَت فيها مَخالِبُ ساغِبٍ
لَها في حَشاها وَالفُؤادِ صُدوعُ
8. The day we parted I was filled with dread
Unable to bear their farewell, for parting is dire
٨. لَقَد راعَني يَومُ الفِراقِ فَلَم أُطِق
وَداعَهُم إِنَّ الفِراقَ يَروعُ
9. Oh my heart, when their riding beasts were stirred
And trunks were loaded with loves and provisions
٩. فَوا كَبِدي لَمّا أُنيخَت رِكابُهُم
وَشُدَّت حُدوجٌ لِلهَوى وَنُسوعُ
10. Then the blamers came to rebuke me
But I do not heed the blamers' words
١٠. وَقامَ إِلَيَّ العاذِلاتُ يَلُمنَني
وَلَستُ لِقَولِ العاذِلاتِ أُطيعُ