
No, by the Prophet Muhammad and by the noblest

لا والنبي محمد والأترع

1. No, by the Prophet Muhammad and by the noblest
Spouse of the immaculate, most splendid virgin maid.

١. لا وَالنَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدٍ وَالأَترَعِ
زَوجِ المُطَهَّرَةِ البَتولِ الأَروَعِ

2. By the right of the companions, the best of all mankind,
My heart has not been at peace since I left my friends.

٢. وَوَحَقِّ أَصحابِ العَبا خَيرِ الوَرى
ما القَلبُ مُذ فارَقتُ أَحبابي مَعي

3. Whenever I remember them - I'll never forget them -
My ribs bend over the fires for their sake.

٣. وَمَتى ذَكَرتُهُمُ وَلَن أَنساهُمُ
حُنِيَت عَلى النيرانِ مِنهُم أَضلُعي

4. When separation's claws tear at my sides,
I have no recourse but crying my eyes out.

٤. ما لي إِذا اِبتَزَّ الفِراقُ حُشاشَتي
إِلّا إِلى طولِ البُكا مِن مَفزَعِ

5. My eyes rain tears down other eyes
At parting from them, so I'm drowned in tears.

٥. عَينايَ دَمعُهُما تَحَدَّرَ أَعيُناً
لِفِراقِهِم فَأَنا غَريقُ الأَدمُعِ

6. I entrusted you my heart when I bade you farewell
And the heart of the captive, the lost one, in safekeeping.

٦. أَودَعتُكُم قَلبي غَداةَ وَداعِكُم
وا ضَيعَةَ القَلبِ الأَسيرِ المودَعِ

7. I hoped for loyalty from you, though there is no hope
Of gain in pleasing or in appeasing the obstinate.

٧. وَطَمِعتُ مِنكُم بِالوَفاءِ وَلَيسَ في
قَبضِ الثُرَيّا وَالسُها مِن مَطمَعِ

8. When I hoped for your true affection at daybreak
I was chasing a mirage, an elusive phantom.

٨. أَصبَحتُ إِذ أَمَّلتُ صَفوَ ودادِكُم
أَرجو السَرابَ مِنَ السَرابِ اليَلمَعِ

9. You are still as I knew you, though you failed
My hopes of your love, by such callous neglect.

٩. ما عَهدُكُم عِندي وَإِن ضَيَّعتُمُ
عَهدي وَحَقِّ هَواكُمُ بِمُضَيَّعِ

10. You slept, leaving tortured by passion in love,
And pierced me with painful, tormenting separation.

١٠. نِمتُم عَنِ الصَبِّ المُعَذَّبِ في الهَوى
وَرَمَيتُموهُ بِالفِراقِ الموجِعِ

11. How often I hoped my darling's phantom would visit
While I lay awake - how can a phantom pay calls?

١١. كَم بِتُّ أَرجو الطَيفَ يَطرُقُ مَضجَعي
أَنّى يَزورُ الطَيفُ مَن لَم يَهجَعِ

12. Traveler, if you pass by them, convey
Greetings from me to Damascus - I do not camp there.

١٢. يا راكِباً إِمّا عَرَضتَ فَبَلِّغا
عَنّي دِمَشقَ سَلامَ مَن لَم يَربَعِ

13. Give my special friends my warmest greetings,
Sweet as the scent of ambergris, moist and dripping.

١٣. وَاِخصُص أُصَيحابي بِها بِتَحِيَّةٍ
عَذُبَت كَنَشرِ العَنبَرِ المُتَضَوِّعِ

14. Faring well without me, lovely their sojourn,
While I struggle on in this arduous, grueling exile.

١٤. حَسُنَت لَهُم بَعدي فَطابَ مَقامُهُم
وَاِعتَضتُ عَنهُم بِالمَقامِ الجَعجَعِ

15. My enviers' eyes are delighted we're parted,
Though often they sneeze with their broken noses.

١٥. قَرَّت عُيونُ الحاسِدينَ بِبَينِنا
وَلَطالَما عَطَسوا بِأَنفٍ أَجدَعِ

16. I tended their love and kept it secure,
Though now my tether is cut and the compact's dissolved.

١٦. ما زِلتُ أَرعى وُدَّهُم وَأَصونُهُ
هَذا وَذِكري قَد أُذيلَ وَما رُعي

17. Their ghosts are before my eyes, their image in my mind,
Their voices in my hearing, such my plight.

١٧. أَشباحُهُم في ناظِري وَخَيالُهُم
في خاطِري وَكَلامُهُم في مسمَعي

18. My patience is spent, my stratagems are few,
No place remains in my quiver from which to shoot.

١٨. ها قَد فَنِيَ صَبري وَقَلَّت حيلَتي
لَم يَبقَ في قَوسِ العَزا مِن مَنزَعِ