
The cooing of a dove enchanted me,

أطربني صوت حمام شدا

1. The cooing of a dove enchanted me,
As if a shrine were in its cooing.

١. أَطرَبَني صَوتُ حَمامٍ شَدا
كَأَنَّ في أَيكَتِهِ مَعبَدا

2. It sang loudly to its chicks,
Trilling delightful melodies.

٢. شَدا عَلى أَفنانِها مُسمِعاً
فُنونَ أَلحانٍ بِها غَرَّدا

3. You have encircled me, mistress of the necklace,
When you cried out magically in the thicket.

٣. طَوَّقتِني يا رَبَّةَ الطَّوقِ إِذ
هَتَفت في البانِ سُحَيراً يَدا

4. You reminded me of the prime of my youth,
When my tender branch would bend to the dew.

٤. أَذكَرتني طيبَ زَمانِ الصِّبا
إِذ غُصني الغَضُّ يَمُجّ النَدا

5. My heart was never free of passion
Tied to it or a black-eyed gazelle.

٥. لَم يَخلُ قَلبي قَبلُ من فِتنَةٍ
عُلِّقَها أَو شادِنٍ أَمرَدا

6. Sweet equivocation and ambiguity together,
Intoxicated by a glance that has long flirted.

٦. حُلوُ التَجَنّي وَالتَّثَنّي مَعاً
سكرانُ لَحظٍ طالَما عَربَدا

7. What I wore white has turned black,
And what I wore black has turned white.

٧. فَاِسوَدَّ ما أُلبِستُهُ أَبيَضاً
وَاِبيَضَّ ما أُلبِستُهُ أَسوَدا

8. Two opposites made equal a tender youth,
Whitening what is blackened.

٨. سيّان وافى صغَرٌ أَمرَداً
مُبيض مسوده أَم رَدا

9. O Abi Gheid, O Hissan, when
Will the warbler sing to the hunter his prey?

٩. يا بِأَبي غيدٌ حِسانٌ مَتى
رَنَونَ صِدنَ الصائِدَ الأَصيَدا

10. It swayed in the dunes as it walked, shedding
dew drops from its plumage.

١٠. هَزَزنَ في الكُثبانِ بِالمَشيِ قُض
بَ البانِ من رُمّانِهِ نُهَّدا

11. When it removes its finery and jewelry, it reveals
Pearls from their shells are stripped bare.

١١. إِذا نَزَعنَ الوَشي وَالحَلي كن
نَ الدُّرَّ مِن أَصدافِهِ جُرِّدا

12. Everyone became lost while
Only the glorious king was guided.

١٢. فَركن كُلَّ الناسِ تيهاً وَلَم
يَهوَينَ إِلّا الملك الأَمجَدا

13. The best of God's creations in character
And morals, containing the argumentative and the gentle,

١٣. أَحسَنُ خَلقِ اللَهِ خَلقاً وَأَخ
لاقاً حَوى المَحتِدَ وَالسُؤدَدا

14. From a family who were kings of the world
In nobility, and he became their master.

١٤. مِن أُسرَةٍ أَمسَوا مُلوكَ الوَرى
نُبلاً وَأَضحى لَهُمُ سَيِّدا

15. My lord, these roses have come
In delegations seeking your generosity.

١٥. مَولايَ هَذا الوَردُ قَد أَقبلَت
وُفودُهُ تَطلُبُ مِنكَ الجَدا

16. And nothing is more generous than bringing them
Before you, while coffee quenches thirst,

١٦. وَما جَداهُ غَيرُ إِحضارِهِ
لَدَيكَ وَالقَهوَةُ تروي الصَدا

17. And the cup gleams with wine,
And the oud thrums its strings thunderously,

١٧. وَالكَأسُ بِالصَهباءِ قَد أَبرَقَت
وَالعودُ بِالأَوتارِ قَد أَرعَدا

18. And the flute makes heard the lover's voice
When keeping the tryst anxiously.

١٨. وَالنايُ يُبدي صَوتُهُ ضَجرة ال
حَبيبِ إِذ يَستَنجِزُ المَوعِدا

19. Drink to love which has settled most purely,
Then drink it as a fresh, sweet stream.

١٩. وَاِشرَب عَلى العَلاقِ راحاً صَفَت
أَطيب بِها ثُمَّ بِهِ مَورِدا

20. How excellent is the passing of the morning breeze
Etching patterns on its pages!

٢٠. يا حَبَّذا مَرّ نَسيمِ الصَّبا
يَنقُشُ مِن صَفحَتِهِ مِبرَدا

21. Take pleasure in it today and have comfort,
For God is Most Generous and will forgive tomorrow.

٢١. لذَّ بِها في اليَومِ وَانعَم فَإِن
نَ اللَهَ ذو فَضلٍ سَيَعفو غَدا

22. In your time, O Most High,
You are the best of those who fasted or feasted!

٢٢. فَأَنتَ في دَهرِكَ يا ذا العُلى
أَفضَلُ مَن صامَ وَمَن عَيَّدا