
My soul is humbled by love of the pampered one,

روحي مذللة بحب مدلله

1. My soul is humbled by love of the pampered one,
Will the gentle one not have pity on the humbled one?

١. روحي مُذَلَّلَةٌ بِحُبِّ مُدَلَّلَه
أَفلا تَرِقُّ مُعِزَّةٌ لِمُذَلَّلَه

2. If she turns to me she kills me, if she leaves I pine,
By the patron of the protected, the erect guardian.

٢. إِن أَقبَلَت قَتَلَت وَإِن وَلت سَبت
بِأَبي الموَلِّيَةِ القَوام المُقبِلَه

3. In her love I have not ceased being afflicted,
By the love of she who debases me, the humbler.

٣. أَنا في هَواها لَم أَزَل مُتَبَتِّلاً
بِهَوى الَّتي لإِهانَتي مُتَبَتِّلَه

4. With me is intoxication and infatuation,
In her love, even if blamed and reproached.

٤. عِندي مِنَ الوَجدِ المُدَلِّهِ وَالوَلَه
عِندَ المَلامَةِ في هَواها وَلوَلَه

5. From the bow of her eyebrow she shot when she glanced,
At my heart with a look, how fatal her arrow!

٥. عَن قَوسِ حاجِبِها رَمَت لَمّا رَنَت
قَلبي بِلَحظٍ سَهمُهُ ما أَقتَلَه

6. Her buttocks are like the undulating sand dune,
Swayed by the breeze, its ridges in waves.

٦. رَيّا المخَلخَلِ فَعمَةُ الأَردافِ مِث
لُ الخوطِ جَمَّشَهُ النسيمُ فَمَيَّلَه

7. Her glances promised none shall escape her,
Except her glance strikes him down slain.

٧. ضَمِنَت لَها اللَّحَظاتُ أَلّا تَنتَحي
أَحَداً بِها إِلّا أَصابَت مَقتَلَه

8. I said, “Kill me and ease me of the agony,
Of a soul charged with love gone mad.”

٨. قُلتُ اِقتُليني أَستَرِح مِن لَوعَةٍ
بِعَذابِ نَفسٍ بِالغَرامِ مُوَكَّلَه

9. She said, “Your torment before your murder is my desire.
To kill you hastily, how simple that would be!”

٩. قالَت عَذابُكَ قَبلَ قَتلِكَ بُغيَتي
عَمداً وَقَتلُكَ سُرعَةً ما أَسهَلَه

10. She understood the edict of injustice, with the cunning
Of the chief minister, made equitable by none.

١٠. فَطِنَت لِحُكمِ الجَورِ فِطنَةَ سَيِّدِ ال
وُزَراءِ لِلحُكمِ الَّذي ما أَعدَلَه

11. With a glance from her chastity returns to him,
Hopeful of gifts, answers to prayers.

١١. فَبِلَحظَةٍ مِنهُ تَعودُ عُفاتُهُ
عَنهُ مُؤَمّلَةَ النَوالِ مُمَوَّلَه

12. And to the sincere protector seek help,
Against a time heavy upon me casting its chains.

١٢. وَإِلى صَفِيِّ الدينِ اِستَعدي عَلى
زَمَنٍ عَلَيَّ عَلا فَأَلقى كَلكَلَه

13. She kept company with the companion Ibn Ali
So if the earth itself shook, her chastity stood firm.

١٣. قَد أَصحَبَت لِلصاحِبِ بنِ عَلِيّ ال
دُنيا فَلَو جَمَحَت عَفَتها الزَلزَلَه

14. And I put my hope in my God, His grace,
He who no servant has hoped in Him in vain.

١٤. وَأَنا المُؤَمِّلُ مِن إِلَهي فَضلَهُ
فَهوَ الَّذي ما خابَ عَبدٌ أَمَّلَه

15. In the judge, the minister, is a secret,
By it he attained the highest station from Him.

١٥. لِلَهِ في القاضي الوَزيرِ سَريرَةٌ
مِنها تَبَوَّأَ مِنهُ أَعلى مَنزِلَه

16. And when gifts from others are delayed,
His gifts come rushing, hastened.

١٦. وَإِذا المَواهِبُ من سِواهُ أُجِّلَت
جاءَت مَواهِبُهُ الغِرارُ مُعَجَّلَه

17. Never a day passes but by his generous deeds,
By them its length is great, and greater still.

١٧. لا يَعدَمُ الإِسلامُ يَوماً طولَهُ
بِالمَكرُماتِ وَطولَهُ وَتَطَوُّلَه