
The Turks, if one day they don their coats of mail

الترك إن لبسوا يوما ترائكهم

1. The Turks, if one day they don their coats of mail
And cast aside their robes,

١. التُركُ إِن لَبِسوا يَوماً تَرائِكَهُم
عَلى الدُّروعِ وَأَلقَوا بِالشَرابيشِ

2. You would find a lion pouncing on the foe
When they bend low in the saddles of their steeds.

٢. أَلفَيتَ أُسداً عَلى الأَعداءِ واثِبَةً
إِذا اِنحَنَوا في قَرابيسِ الأَكاديشِ

3. You would see angels who have hurled flames
Upon the demons from the horizon of the Turks.

٣. تَلقى مَلائِكَةً قَد أَرسَلَت شُهُباً
عَلى العَفاريتِ مِن أُفقِ التَراكيشِ

4. Pure stars - not firebrands or feathers -
Adorn their Sickles during the Crescent festival.

٤. بُدورُ تِمٍّ تَمَطّى في الأَهِلَّةِ تَر
مي بِالكَواكِبِ لا العيدانِ وَالرّيشِ

5. They have forbidden wine when they embraced Islam,
So they kindled with water the fire of alliance.

٥. شاموا جَداوِلَ لَمّا اِستَلأَموا غُدُراً
فَأَوقَدوا بِمِياهٍ نارَ شاليشِ

6. They have returned as arguing knights whose prey is a lion,
Mounted atop their saddled horses.

٦. عادوا أجادِلَ دَجنٍ صَيدُها أُسُدٌ
مُرَدَّفينَ بِها فَوقَ الكَبابيشِ

7. They are delighted by nothing
Except hearing the scream of a supplicant or the sound of a prowler.

٧. فَلَيسَ يُطرِبُهُم إِلا اِستِماعُهُم
دُعاءَ مُستَصرِخٍ أَو صَوتَ شاويشِ

8. The eyes of their enemies are blinded by their light;
How can the eyes of bats bear the sun?

٨. أَبصارُ أَعدائِهِم تَعشى بِنورِهم
أَنّى تَرى الشَمسَ أَبصارُ الخَفافيشِ

9. When did they sleep or take a break? They care and love
With magic from Babylon and pearls from Cush.

٩. مَتى رَنَوا وَمَتى اِفتَرّوا حَنَوا وَحَبَوا
بِالسِحرِ مِن بابِلٍ وَالدُرِّ مِن كيشِ

10. They are the flood which drowned the Franks,
And so resembled vines with broken stems.

١٠. هُمُ الأُلى غَرَّقَ الإِفرَنجَ سَيلُهُم
فَأَشبَهوا عُنصُلاً بادي الأَنابيشِ

11. They are the kingdoms of Moses, and if he is mentioned,
They are the best kings with crown and turban.

١١. هُمُ مَمالِكُ موسى وَهوَ إِن ذُكِرَ ال
مُلوكُ أَفضَلُ ذي تاجٍ وَشَربوشِ

12. The banner of victory is still tied to them, and beneath
The shade of the royal throne they are sheltered.

١٢. لا زالَ بِالنصرِ مَعقودَ اللِواءِ وَفي
ظِلٍّ ظَليلٍ بِعَرشِ المُلكِ مَعروشِ

13. The leaves have not sung in the branches,
Stirred by the Najdi breeze with rustling.

١٣. ما غَنَّتِ الوُرقُ في الأَغصانِ صادِحَةً
تَهُزُّهُنَّ صَبا نَجدٍ بِتَحريشِ