
Like lightning's flash I see within your mouth, or is it a mustache -

وميض برق أرى في فيك أم شنبا

1. Like lightning's flash I see within your mouth, or is it a mustache -
Have you sipped some of it or just struck with glamour?

١. وَميضَ بَرقٍ أَرى في فيكَ أَم شَنَبا
وَهَل رَشَفتَ رُضاباً مِنهُ أَم ضَرَبا

2. I'd ransom the one who with a glance spilt not my blood,
Yet when I sought his kindness, he refused.

٢. أَفدي الَّذي ما أَبى بِاللَحظِ سَفكَ دَمي
لَكِن مَتى ما طَلَبتُ العَطفَ مِنهُ أَبى

3. A Turk gazelle who by his glances left me mute -
No wonder if the arrows of Turks when shot are mute.

٣. ظَبيٌ مِنَ التُركِ أَصمَتني لَواحِظُهُ
وَأَسهُمُ التُركِ إِن أَصمَت فَلا عَجَبا

4. In his cheeks are gathered opposites in one -
The water of youth and the fire of beauty came together.

٤. يَبدو بِضِدَّينِ في خَدَّيهِ قَد جُمِعا
ماءُ الشَبابِ وَنارُ الحُسنِ فَاِصطَحبا

5. So that water made my eyes shed bloody tears,
And that ember revived flames in my inner thoughts.

٥. فَذَلِكَ الماءُ أَبكى ناظِرَيَّ دَماً
وَذَلِكَ الجَمرُ أَذكى في الحَشا لَهَبا

6. My heart complained of the burden of passion, fatigued,
As his slender waist complained of its load, fatigued.

٦. شَكا فُؤادِيَ مِن عِبءِ الهَوى تَعَباً
كَما شَكا خَصرُهُ مِن رِدفِهِ تَعَبا

7. He sways his boughs, the wind of youth so you see
A bough of acacia bent by the morning breeze.

٧. يَهُزُّ أَعطافَهُ دَلُّ الصِبا فَتَرى
غُصناً مِنَ البانِ يثنيهِ النَسيمُ صَبا

8. O rising full moon above the branch made stable,
Gleaming between a fillet and necklace adorned.

٨. يا مُطلِعَ البَدرِ فَوقَ الغُصنِ مُعتَدِلاً
يَلوحُ ما بَينَ شربوشٍ وَطَوق قبا

9. Be just, for the norms of tyranny have crumbled
Since the protector of religion became secured in our midst.

٩. اِعدِل فَإِنَّ رُسومَ الجَورِ قَد دَرَسَت
مُذ صارَ فينا مَكينُ الدينِ مُحتَسِبا