1. Poetry is still the tongue of time
It teaches mankind eloquence
١. الشِعرُ ما زالَ لِسانُ الزَمان
يُعَلَّمُ الإِنسانُ مِنهُ البَيان
2. And poets are the foremost princes
Whose words are enchanting and meanings sublime
٢. وَالشُعَراءُ الأُمَراءُ الأُلى
أَلفاظُهُم مُطرِبَةٌ وَالمَعان
3. Were it not for the sanctity of their compositions
Their verses would have been made part of the Quran
٣. لَو لَم تَكُن سَورَتُهُم تُتَّقى
ما أُنزِلَت سورَتُهُم في القُران
4. And Ka'b would not have been graced with the mantle
Of the Prophet when he won the security mantle
٤. وَلا حَوى كَعبٌ بِهِ بُردَةَ ال
نَبيِّ إِذ فازَ بِبَردِ الأَمان
5. Its reservoirs have not diminished their waters
As if it were the sea that never diminishes
٥. حِياضُهُ لَم تَفنَ أَمواهُها
كَأَنَّهُ البَحرُ وَما البَحرُ فان
6. And it is, by my life, a translator and there is no
Other like it among people as a translator
٦. وَهوَ لَعَمري تَرجُمانٌ وَنا
هيكَ بِهِ في الناسِ مِن تَرجُمان
7. But its market has been stifled
So it has lived in this age in the garb of disgrace
٧. لَكِنَّهُ قَد كَسَدَت سوقُهُ
فَسيمَ في ذا الدَّهرِ سَومَ الهَوان
8. How many full moons were diminished because of it
Of precious and complete dinars
٨. كَم بِدرٍ حيزَت بِهِ قَبلَنا
مِنَ الدَنانيرِ الصِحاحِ الرِزان
9. And the true bedouin Arabs were, because of it
In bygone times the people of sedition
٩. وَالعَرَبُ العَرباءُ كانوا بِهِ
في الزَّمَنِ الغابِرِ أَهلَ اِفتِنان
10. And their compilation was the distinguisher
Between the pretentious innovator and the eloquent one
١٠. وَكانَ ديوانُهُمُ فارِقاً
بَينَ الهَجينِ المُدَّعي وَالهِجان
11. So its pitcher was diminished after them
And the elevated pitcher became disgraced
١١. فَخابَ مِن بَعدِهِمُ قِدحُهُ
وَكانَ في القِدحِ المُعَلّى فَهان
12. As well as what is safe from a plagiarizer
And the two-faced among them exceeded limits and betrayed
١٢. هَذا وَما يَسلَمُ مِن سارِقٍ
وَمائِنٍ فيهِ تَعَدّى وَخان
13. Challenger of the religion while you are the one
Who ignites war in the blazers a helpful war
١٣. مُبارِزَ الدينِ وَأَنتَ الَّذي
يُشِبُّ في الذُعّارِ حَرباً عَوان
14. They are the thieves, the plagiarizers
You have humiliated each obstinate transgressor
١٤. هُمُ اللُصوصُ السارِقونَ الأُلى
أَذلَلتَ مِنهُم كُلّ قاصٍ وَدان
15. The trusted supporter of the kingdom is courageous so
Time does not clatter for him with spears
١٥. مُعتَمَدُ المُلكِ شُجاعٌ فَما
يُقَعقِعُ الدَهرُ لَهُ بِالشِنان
16. And this state is a spear which
God has set in place of the spear
١٦. وَهَذِهِ الدَّولَةُ رُمحٌ وَقَد
رَكَّبَهُ اللَهُ مَكانَ السِنان
17. The owner of Shurbush, his glory
Shames the wearer of the fur hat and sash
١٧. صاحِبُ شُربوشٍ وَمِن مَجدِهِ
يَخجَلُ ذو الطَرحَةِ وَالطَيلَسان
18. He is the brilliant prince who
Settled in the highest place from the Exalted
١٨. وَهوَ الأَميرُ الأَلمَعِيُّ الَّذي
حَلَّ مِنَ العَلياءِ أَعلى مَكان
19. I said to Ibrahim the words of a man
Who believes truthfully and has no doubt in speech
١٩. قُلتُ لإبراهيمَ قَولَ امرِئٍ
مُصَدَّقٍ لَم يَكُ في القَولِ مان
20. You are the one who both East and West
Have borne witness for the success of his efforts
٢٠. أَنتَ الَّذي قَد شَهِدَ المَشرِقان
لَهُ بِنُجحِ السَّعيِ وَالمَغرِبان
21. If you were in the time before us
Abdulrahman would have been a slave to you
٢١. لَو كُنتَ في الدَّهرِ الَّذي قَبلَنا
لَكانَ عَبداً لَكَ عَبدُ المَدان
22. Extracting currencies from whoever disobeyed
For he is, even if bold, a coward
٢٢. يَستَخرِجُ العملاتِ مِمَّن عَتا
فَهوَ وَإِن كانَ جَريئاً جَبان
23. Take my currency from a thieving apostate
And do not let him feel safe from fear of you
٢٣. خُذ عَملَتي مِن سارِقٍ مارِقٍ
وَلا يَكُن مِن خَوفِهِ في أَمان
24. Opinionated about my words, changing them
As Abu Ja'dah did on the Sarh plain
٢٤. صالَ عَلى قَولي مُغيراً كَما
صالَ أَبو جَعدَةَ في سَرحِ ضان
25. Leave him be, competing with a ball soaked
In the field of battle with the polo stick
٢٥. ذَرهُ يُضاهي كُرَةً سُقتُها
في ساحَةِ المَيدانِ بِالصَّولَجان
26. I have a sermon like scattered pearls and in it
Poetry more beautiful than necklaces of affection
٢٦. لي خُطبَةٌ كَالدُرِّ نَثراً وَفي
ها النَظمُ أَبهى مِن عُقودِ الحِسان
27. As if the leader of Eiyad came with it
In which is the surplus of Sahan the evident
٢٧. كَأَنَّما قُسُّ إِيادٍ أَتى
بِها وَفيها فَضلُ سَحبانَ بان
28. In it is of divine oneness what silenced the
Polytheist by reason and cutting off the tongue
٢٨. فيها مِنَ التَوحيدِ ما أَلجمَ ال
مُشرِكَ بِالعِيِّ وَقَطعِ اللِّسان
29. And praise of the Chosen One by which
I hope tomorrow for success in the Garden of Bliss
٢٩. وَمِن مَديحِ المُصطَفى ما بِهِ
أَرجو غَداً فَوزاً بِدارِ الجِنان
30. And praise of the companions of the noble Prophet
Their status is felicity, excellent affair
٣٠. وَمَدحِ أَصحابِ النَّبِيِّ الألى
شَأنُهُم طوبى لَهُم خَيرُ شان
31. And praise of our master the Imam whose
Obedience is obligatory in this time
٣١. وَمَدحِ مَولانا الإِمامِ الَّذي
طاعَتُهُ مَفروضَةٌ في الزَمان
32. Then the just king, the executor
Of your resolute decree, O blade of Yemen
٣٢. ثُمَّ المَليكِ العادِلِ المُنتَضي
مِن عَزمِكَ الماضي الحُسامَ اليَمان
33. And praise of you resembling in its beauty
The praise of Zuhair for the one whose father is Sinan
٣٣. وَمَدحِكَ المُشبِهِ في حُسنِهِ
مَدحَ زُهَيرٍ مَن أَبوهُ سِنان
34. And I have never been miserly with what
I have composed of my poetry when helped
٣٤. وَلَم أَكُن يَوماً بَخيلاً بِما
نَحَلتُهُ مَن بِقَريضي اِستَعان
35. How many well-crafted poems I composed for a man
Which were reciprocated from him with fine connections
٣٥. كَم مِن قَريضٍ صُغتُهُ لِاِمرِئٍ
قوبِلَ مِنهُ بِالصِلاتِ الحِسان
36. Oh you who are the scholar in our time
Contained in one body in a place
٣٦. يا مَن هُوَ العالمُ في دَهرِنا
يَحويهِ جِسمٌ واحِدٌ في مَكان
37. You are from God insights as such
Whoever fears God the Exalted has insights
٣٧. أَنتَ مِنَ اللَهِ مُعانٌ كَذا
مَنِ اِتَّقى اللَهَ تَعالى مُعان