1. They complained while they were unjust, and while they were oppressive
When they strove for what would not avail them one day
١. تَظَلَّموا وَهُم عَقّوا وَهُم ظَلَموا
لَمّا سَعَوا لا سَعَت يَوماً بِهِم قَدَمُ
2. They ignited the fire of a war whose kindling failed
So how much blood of theirs was shed over its embers
٢. هُم أَوقَدوا نارَ حَربٍ خابَ موقِدُها
فَكَم عَلى حَدِّها مِنهُم أُريقَ دَمُ
3. O son of the benefactor, the people have certainly lost
Their bargains, so joy and sorrow became equal
٣. يا اِبنَ المُحَسِّنِ إِنَّ القَومَ قَد خَسِرَت
صَفقاتُهُم فَاِستَوى الوِجدانُ وَالعَدَمُ
4. How far is maturity from a people who came foolishly
To demolish their glory among people, had they known
٤. ما أَبعَدَ الرُشدَ عَن قَومٍ أَتَوا سَفَهاً
لِيَهدِموا مَجدَهُم في الناسِ لَو عَلِموا
5. You would not cease to ward off every hardship from them
Neither an Arab nor a non-Arab would deny it
٥. لَم تَألُ تَدرَأُ عَنهُم كُلَّ مُعضِلَةٍ
وَلَيسَ يُنكِرُ ذا عُرب وَلا عَجَمُ
6. So if you take them to account one day for their deed
You would leave them like pressed meat and bone
٦. فَإِن تُؤاخِذهُم يَوماً بِفِعلِهِمُ
تَذَرهُم مِثلَ لَحمٍ ضَمَّهُ وَضَمُ
7. A fickle folk whose resolve diminished
They kept away from glory but their blame gathered
٧. قَومٌ سَواسِيَةٌ خَفَّت حُلومُهُمُ
نَأَوا عَنِ المَجدِ لَكِن ذَمُّهُم أمَمُ
8. So from a path they hoped to be helped, they lost
And from a place they saw they would gain, they were fined
٨. فَمِن طَريقٍ رَجَوا أَن يُنصَروا خَسِروا
وَمِن مَكانٍ رَأَوا أَن يَغنَموا غَرِموا
9. They plotted for you a pit of sinking, its sea turbid
But you were safe while they plunged into its abyss
٩. ساموكَ خُطَّةَ خَسفٍ بَحرُها كَدَرٌ
لَكِن سَلِمتَ وَهُم في لُجِّهِ اِقتَحَموا
10. They fancied glory's steps were counted
By neither sword nor pen could they be deterred
١٠. تَوَهَّموا المَجدَ قَد حُصَّت قَوادِمُهُ
فَما يُسَلُّ بِهِ سَيفٌ وَلا قَلَمُ
11. Until when the light of Saad al-Dawla shone
They regretted, if only regret could avail
١١. حَتّى إِذا سَعدُ سَعدِ الدَولَةِ التَمَعَت
أَنوارُهُ نَدِموا لَو يَنفَعُ النَدَمُ
12. His spears never bent to their mocker
Rather in the heart of the foe they shattered
١٢. قَناتُهُ لَم تَلِن يَوماً لِغامِزِها
لَكِنَّها في فُؤادِ الخَصمِ تَنحَطِمُ
13. He is the firmest in battle and harshest in blow
In war, the experienced foe hesitates before him
١٣. هُوَ الأَلَدُّ خِصاماً وَالأَشَدُّ يَداً
في الحَربِ يُحجِمُ عَنهُ المِدرَهُ الخَصِمُ
14. How the people refrained from keeping you
And seeking the flesh of the valiant lion, the sheep do not covet
١٤. ما أَحجَمَ القَومُ إِبقاءً عَلَيكَ وَفي اِق
تِناصِ لَيثِ الشَرى لا تَطمَعُ الغَنَمُ
15. There they fell on their tails in panic
When a watchful hand and mouth came upon them
١٥. أَقعَوا هُناكَ عَلى الأَذنابِ مِن جَزَعٍ
لَمّا أَتَتهُم يَدٌ فَرّاسَةٌ وَفَمُ
16. In a stand you were like the hovering falcon with
Kings, conversing privately while they blinked
١٦. بِمَوقِفٍ كُنتَ كَالبازِ المُطِلِّ بِهِ
عِندَ المُلوكِ تُناجيهِم وَهُم رَخَمُ
17. You are the one whose brilliance
Continues to protect each dignity, while the others slumber
١٧. أَنتَ الَّذي لَم تَزَل تَهمي نَباهَتُهُ
بِكُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ وَالخامِلونَ هُمُ
18. How many robes dyed by the blood of foes
You crowned with honor, adorning the summits
١٨. كَم خِلعَةٍ مِن دَمِ الأَعداءِ صِبغَتُها
تَوَّجتَها شَرَفاً تُزهى بِهِ القِمَمُ
19. Each conqueror king courted you
While people and wealth remained under your grasp
١٩. حَباكَها كُلُّ مَلكٍ أَصيَدٍ يَدُهُ
في أَنفُسِ الناسِ وَالأَموالِ تَحتَكُمُ
20. And a group who pledged, but broke their oath
So the consequence of the oath was fear and regret
٢٠. وَمَعشَرٍ حَلَفوا لَكِنَّهُم حَنَثوا
فَكانَ عُقبى اليَمينِ الخَوفُ وَالنَدَمُ
21. So how do you ally with a people of no loyalty
Of no covenants, religion or conscience
٢١. فَكَم تُحالِفُ قَوماً لا وَفاءَ لَهُم
وَلا عُهودٌ وَلا دِينٌ وَلا ذِمَمُ
22. They rejected, though they heard the words of the giver of glad tidings, and though
They saw him, had their hearing been settled and they were not blind
٢٢. وَدّوا وَقَد سَمِعوا قَولَ البَشيرِ وَقَد
رَأَوهُ لَو وُقِرَت أَسماعُهُم وَعَموا
23. They were miserable with what they heard of his good news
While the loyal were content with what came to them
٢٣. شَقَوا بِما سَمِعوهُ مِن بِشارَتِهِ
وَالأَولِياءُ بِما وافى بِهِ نَعِموا
24. When they saw the lofty peaks of Saad towering
And glory humbled, no ambitions could bend it
٢٤. لَمّا رَأَوا هَضَباتِ السَعدِ شامِخَةً
وَالعِزَّ أَقعَسَ لا تُثنى لَهُ هِمَمُ
25. And the full moon emerged from its clouds that dispersed
While their gloom cleared and his light beamed
٢٥. وَالبَدرُ غانَ عَلَيهِ الغَيمُ فَاِنحَسَرَت
غَمّاؤُهُ وَاِنجَلَت مِن نورِهِ الغُمَمُ
26. O you envious one, fueling spite
The fire of obstinacy, which cannot be remedied
٢٦. يا أَيُّها الحاسِدُ المُذكي عَلى حَنَقٍ
نارَ العِنادِ وَلا يُشفى لَهُ قَرَمُ
27. As long as you intend to oppose Masoud
That is an illness which cannot be severed
٢٧. ما دُمتَ تَنوي لِمَسعودٍ مُعانَدَةً
فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ داءٌ لَيسَ يَنحَسِمُ
28. Far be it from you, O honored king
That lights and darkness be equal to you
٢٨. حاشاكَ يا أَيُّها المَلكُ المُعَظَّمُ مِن
أَن تَستَوي عِندَكَ الأَنوارُ وَالظُلَمُ
29. You are more generous than a lion in its valor
The crown's band, pearls arrayed in order
٢٩. وَأَنتَ أَكرَمُ مِن لَيثٍ بِهامَتِهِ
عِصابَةُ التاجِ فيها الدُرُّ مُنتَظِمُ
30. His resolve refused accepting injustice
As did his determination, goodness, loyalty and nobility
٣٠. أَبَت لِمَعنٍ قَبولَ الضَيمِ هِمَّتُهُ
وَالعَزمُ وَالحَزمُ وَالمَعروفُ وَالكَرَمُ
31. And a pack of lions, ferocious
They are calm when routed and thrown in panic
٣١. وَأُسرَةٌ كَأُسودِ الغيلِ ضارِيَةٌ
هُمُ لَدى الرَّوعِ إِذ يُلقى بِهِم بُهَمُ
32. Stallions charging into the fire of fray
Horses whose lips the emblems melted
٣٢. شُوسٌ تَقاحَمُ في نارِ الوَغى بِهِمُ
خَيلٌ تَذوبُ عَلى أَشداقِها اللُّجُمُ
33. Horses maneuvered though the rout blocked passage
A lion whose canines serve as lanterns in the dark
٣٣. خَيلٌ تُصَرِّفُها وَالنَّقعُ مُعتَرِضٌ
أُسدٌ لَها مِن أَنابيبِ القَنا أَجَمُ
34. Marvel at Awaqas' fang in its jaw exciting
Allure with Ashwas' molars in its grin enticing
٣٤. أَعجِب بِأَوقَصَ في خَيشومِهِ خَنَسٌ
مُغرىً بِأَشوَسَ في عِرنينِهِ شَمَمُ
35. A sword returning joints to their place
Unfamiliar in battle with weakness or boredom
٣٥. سَيفٌ يَعودُ بِتَطبيقِ المَفاصِلِ لا
يَعتادُهُ في الوَغى وَهنٌ وَلا سَأمُ
36. How many a group who turned the back of the dual sword
When they saw his resolves they scattered in defeat
٣٦. كَم مَعشَرٍ قَلَبوا ظَهرَ المِجَنِّ لَهُ
حَتّى إِذا ما رَأَوا عَزماتِهِ اِنهَزَموا
37. So their share of his war was perdition
While his share from his Lord was bounty
٣٧. فَكانَ حَظُّهُمُ مِن حَربِهِ نِقَماً
وَحَظُّهُ أَبَداً مِن رَبِّهِ نِعَمُ
38. He is the son of singular splendor
So all pride in him coalesces
٣٨. هُوَ اِبنُ بَجدَةِ ذي الدُنيا وَأَوحَدُها
فَشَملُ كُلِّ فَخارٍ فيهِ مُلتَئِمُ
39. My striving is easy at his service
As the pen flowed in the scribe's right hand
٣٩. يَهونُ سَعيي عَلى رَأسي لِخِدمَتِهِ
كَما مَشى في يَمينِ الكاتِبِ القَلَمُ
40. So may Allah protect him from what I fear
For his ascendance, may no feet slip
٤٠. فَاللَهُ يَكلؤُهُ مِمّا أُحاذِرُهُ
عَلى عُلاهُ وَلا زَلَّت بِهِ القَدَمُ