
In the cheek of the one I love is the best beauty

في خد من أهواه خير طراز

1. In the cheek of the one I love is the best beauty
My eyes are adorned by it and my heart is delighted

١. في خَدِّ مَن أَهواهُ خَيرُ طِرازِ
طَرفي بِهِ زانٍ وَقَلبِيَ نازي

2. He whose creator be glorified, none could equal
The hand of a weaver could not match his work

٢. ذاكَ الَّذي سُبحانَ راقِمِهِ فَما
ظَفِرَت بِمُشبِهِهِ يَدا بَزّازِ

3. From the bow of his eyebrow he glanced at me when he was pleased
And hit me with arrows of great desire

٣. عَن قَوسِ حاجِبِهِ رَمى لَمّا رَنا
فَأَصابَني بِسِهامِ زاهٍ هازي

4. His promise of union is a brilliant lightning
And his threat of separation fulfills its purpose

٤. ميعادُهُ بِالوَصلِ بَرقٌ خُلَّبٌ
وَوَعيدُهُ بِالهَجرِ ذو إِنجازِ

5. It is as if his eyebrow from which he shot
Is a bow strung by the hand of a warrior invader

٥. فَكَأَنَّ حاجِبَهُ الَّذي مِنهُ رَمى
قَوسٌ بَرَتهُ يَدُ المُجاهِدِ غازي

6. He who is foremost in hearts
And all others are relegated behind

٦. ذاكَ الَّذي هو في الصُدورِ مُقَدَّمٌ
وَسِواهُ مَدفوعٌ إِلى الأَعجازِ

7. So his firmness has made his youth resemble
The bow of the sky in its distinctive excellence

٧. فَقِسِيّه بِشَباتِها قَد أَشبَهَت
قَوسَ السَماءِ بِفَضلِها المُمتازِ

8. No bow except that which his right hand strung
Far between is the sword and the bowstring

٨. لا قَوسَ إِلّا ما بَرَتهُ يَمينُهُ
شَتّانَ بَينَ السَيفِ وَالعُكّازِ

9. He alone is the essence in the craft
While others parade in pretentious clothes

٩. فَهُوَ الحَقيقَةُ في الصِناعَةِ وَحدَهُ
وَسِواهُ يَرفُلُ في ثِيابِ مَخازي

10. Awake he is the master, not defending
His glory with a partisan or ally

١٠. يَقِظٌ هُوَ الأُستاذُ غَيرُ مُدافع
عَن مَجدِهِ بِمُوازِنٍ وَمُوازِ

11. With drawing arrows fly in the hearts
Like eyelashes when blinked with kohl

١١. بِالنَزعِ تَركُضُ في الصُدورِ سِهامُهُ
كَالطِرفِ حينَ يُهَزُّ بِالمِهمازِ

12. His noble character is generosity so he is not
A slanderer or fault finder

١٢. شَرُفَت خَلائِقُهُ الكِرمُ فَلَيسَ بِال
غَمّازِ حاشاهُ وَلا اللَمّازِ

13. He spent and exhausted what he had for his chastity
While others are lords of stores and warehouses

١٣. أَقنى وَأَفنى ما لَهُ لِعُفاتِهِ
وَسِواهُ رَبُّ مَخازِنٍ وَمَخازي

14. Wealth is only what you gain by it of highness
From a well-bred horse or a firm statuette

١٤. ما المالُ إِلّا ما كَسَبتَ بِهِ العُلى
مِن مُطرَفٍ أَو مُتلَدٍ وَرِكازِ

15. And he is the one who punished the craftsmen for
Disturbing when he came with miracles

١٥. وَهُوَ الَّذي قَد عاقَبَ الصُنّاعَ بِال
إِزعاجِ لَمّا جاءَ بِالإِعجازِ

16. He remained vigilant in earning highness
As if he is a falcon on a gauntlet

١٦. مازالَ في كَسبِ العُلى مُتَيَقِّظاً
فَكَأَنَّهُ بازٍ عَلى قُفّازِ

17. My God reward him for drinking joy
The best reward for You are the best Requiter

١٧. عَن شُربِ ساري يا إِلَهي جازِهِ
خَيرَ الجَزاءِ فَأَنتَ خَيرُ مُجازي

18. Indeed gallantry from him is prevailing with
A raging sword like destiny's decree

١٨. إِنَّ الفُتُوَّةَ مِنهُ باجِحَةٌ لَدى ال
هَيجا بِسَيفٍ كَالقَضاءِ جُرازِ

19. And the cup in his right hand tells of a ship
In the waves of a turbulent clamorous sea

١٩. وَالكَأسُ في يُمناهُ يَحكي مَركَباً
في مَوجِ بَحرٍ زاخِرٍ هَزهازِ