1. The death of a king was announced, the sun and moon darkened
The celestial bodies' orbit faltered and scattered
١. أَتى نَعيُ مَلكٍ أَظلَمَ الشَمسُ وَالقَمَر
لَهُ وَوَهى عِقدُ الكَواكِبِ فَاِنتَثَر
2. And tremors overtook the east and west of earth
Everything tall and lofty bowed down
٢. وَأَبدى بِشَرقِ الأَرضِ وَالغَربِ رَجفَةً
تَطَأطَأَ مِنها كُلُّ ما طالَ وَاِشمَخَر
3. The polished swords and mighty tomes were neglected
In the struggle, eyes' tears nearly effaced the kohl
٣. وَعُطِّلَتِ البيضُ الصِفاحُ وَأُهمِلَت
مُتونُ العَوالي في الكِفاحِ مِنَ الأَطَر
4. From their lids, in bitter grief and calamity
The cross of polytheism's shackles were undone
٤. وَكادَت دُموعُ العَينِ تَمحو الحُجولَ مِن
جَنائِبِهِ مِن لَوعَةِ الحُزنِ وَالغُرَر
5. The throne of the kingdom shook, after stability
Though his death brought joy to every believer
٥. وَفُكَّ صَليبُ الشِركِ مِن قَيدِ أَسرِهِ
وَزُلزِلَ عَرشُ المُلكِ مِن بَعدِ ما اِستَقَر
6. It also brought misery to every disbeliever
He announced the death of the lion amidst fierce Ashwas
٦. لَئِن سَرَّ ناعيهِ به كُلَّ مُؤمِنٍ
لَقَد سَرَّ لا أَهلاً بِهِ كُلَّ مَن كَفَر
7. Powerful, bloody taloned, triumphant in war
Why blame the Muslims for their grief
٧. نَعى اللَيثَ في ثِنيَي مُفاضَةِ أَشوَسٍ
شَديدَ القُوى دامي الأَظافِرِ بِالظَّفَر
8. When Islam lost its champion for life?
He pried open the gates of disbelief by force
٨. وَكَيفَ يُلامُ المُسلِمونَ عَلى الأَسى
وَقَد عَدِمَ الإِسلامُ ناصِرَهُ عُمَر
9. And blocked the gates of peace by stabbing in the throat
The victorious king hoped to kill him in battle
٩. أَباحَ ثُغورَ الكُفرِ بِالسَيفِ عَنوَةً
وَسَدَّ ثُغورَ السِلمِ بِالطَعنِ في الثَغَر
10. A martyr, amidst the burning sparks of war
But one gets only what Allah decreed
١٠. رَجا قَتلَهُ المَلكُ المُظَفَّرُ في الوَغى
شَهيداً وَنارُ الحَربِ طائِرَةُ الشَرَر
11. In fate, for all people and mankind
He would face the blades with his face
١١. وَلَيسَ يَنالُ المَرءَ شَيءٌ سِوى الَّذي
قَضاهُ قَضاءُ اللَهِ في الخَلقِ وَالبَشَر
12. And the spears with his chest, in fray and attack
Their hands would tremble with awe of him
١٢. لَقَد كانَ يَلقى المُرهَفاتِ بِوَجهِهِ
وَسُمرَ القَنا بِالصَدرِ في الوِردِ وَالصَدَر
13. Their blows and stabs had no effect on his body
He would drive back the great army alone
١٣. وَتُرعِشُ أَيديهِم مَهابَتُهُ فَما
لِضَربِهِم وَالطَعنِ في جِسمِهِ أَثَر
14. They touched only his back as he retreated
When the Ayyubid king submitted, we were not
١٤. وَكانَ يَرُدّ الجَحفَلَ المَجرَ وَحدَهُ
يَمَسّونَ بِالأَيدي الظُهورَ مِنَ الخَوَر
15. Impacted by worldly events and people
Indeed, Salahuddin was refuge for the faith
١٥. إِذا سَلِمَ المَلكُ ابنُ أَيّوبَ لَم نُبَل
بِمَن باشَرَتهُ الحادِثاتُ مِنَ البَشَر
16. A firm pillar, protecting when none took responsibility
Truly, all prey is found amongst the creation
١٦. وَإِنَّ صَلاحَ الدينِ لِلدينِ مَوئِلٌ
وَرُكنٌ شَديدٌ عاصِمٌ حينَ لا وَزَر
17. So where can the party of polytheism escape his war?
The existence of Salahuddin, over all things lost
١٧. أَجَل إِنَّ كُلَّ الصَيدِ يوجَدُ في الفَرى
فَأَينَ لِحِزبِ الشِّركِ مِن حَربِهِ المَفَر
18. Is solace, so be patient - blessed is the patient one
People before us left their loved ones
١٨. بَقاءُ صَلاحِ الدينِ مِن كُلِّ فائِتٍ
لَنا عِوَضٌ فَاِصبِر فَطوبى لِمَن صَبَر
19. And death's cure failed, in both country and city
Take comfort, though comfort lessens grief
١٩. فَقَد فارَقَ الناسُ الأَحِبَّةَ قَبلَنا
وَأَعيا دَواءُ المَوتِ في البَدوِ وَالحَضَر
20. No glory in weeping or caution avails
٢٠. عَزاءً وَإِن عَزَّ العَزاءُ فَما الأَسى
بِمُجدٍ وَلا يُغني البُكاءُ وَلا الحَذَر