1. A flash shone with the lightning and here
The heart was saddened by yearning and weakness
١. بُرَيقٌ بِالأُبَيرِقِ لاحَ وَهنا
فَجُنَّ القَلبُ مِن شَوقٍ وَأَنّا
2. It made a lover sleepless and shed tears
It burned him and delighted his eyelids
٢. فَأَرَّقَ عاشِقاً وَأَراقَ دَمعاً
وَأَحرَقَهُ وَأَفرَحَ مِنهُ جَفنا
3. It reminded us of passed pleasant nights
With those who were and we were
٣. وَأَذكَرَنا لُيَيلاتٍ تَقَضَّت
حَميداتٍ بِمَن كانوا وَكُنّا
4. Nights when the branch of life was fresh
And the rod of union waved gently
٤. لَيالِيَ كانَ غُصنُ العَيشِ غَضّاً
وَعودُ الوَصلِ أَخضَرَ مُرجَحِنّا
5. There where we don't fear a watcher
And don't cry for a departed beloved
٥. هُنالِكَ حَيثُ لا نَخشى رَقيباً
وَلا نَبكي حَبيباً بانَ عَنّا
6. And I have a strange love in a strange gazelle
I became in it like Qays for Lubna
٦. وَلي غَزَلٌ غَريبٌ في غَزالٍ
غَريبٍ صِرتُ فيهِ قَيسَ لُبنى
7. Time was peaceful with us but turned
To fight us and turned the cups over
٧. وَكانَ الدَهرُ سالَمَنا فَأَمسى
يُحارِبُنا وَقَد قَلَبَ المِجَنا
8. And we surrendered to a grudging time
Gloomy so the envious rejoiced over us
٨. وَأَسلَمَنا إِلى زَمَنٍ غَشومٍ
ظَلومٍ فَاِشتَفى الحُسّادُ مِنّا