
Leave him be, for desire has pulled his reins,

دعه فقد جذب الهوى بعنانه

1. Leave him be, for desire has pulled his reins,
And his affairs have violated the secret of his glory.

١. دَعهُ فَقَد جَذَبَ الهَوى بِعِنانِهِ
وَشُؤونُهُ هَتَكَت سَريرَةَ شانِهِ

2. To divulge a secret is sweet when in love's grip,
So reveal your secret and cease concealing it.

٢. إِنَّ اِنتِهاكَ السِرِّ في حُكمِ الهَوى
حُلوٌ فَسِر بِالسِرِّ عَن كِتمانِهِ

3. Alas, the ardour of a lover cannot be hidden,
Nor his madness as it rules his mind.

٣. هَيهاتَ أَن تَخفى صَبابَةُ عاشِقٍ
وَجُنونُهُ مُستَحكِمٌ بِجنانِهِ

4. When his hips sway, the girthed one fears
The belt around his waist may slide and slip.

٤. وَمُمَنطَقٍ عِندَ اِرتِجاجَةِ رِدفِهِ
يَخشى اِنخِزالَ الخَصرِ في هَيمانِهِ

5. Harut of Babylon hides in his glance,
Learning magic from this human's being.

٥. هاروتُ بابِلَ كامِنٌ في طَرفِهِ
مُتَعَلِّمٌ لِلسِّحرِ مِن إِنسانِهِ

6. It's as if Marut were enamoured of his words,
Seeing the splendid magic of his tongue's breath.

٦. وَكَأَنَّما ماروتُ يَعشَقُ لَفظَهُ
فَيَرى بَديعَ السِّحرِ نَفثَ لِسانِهِ

7. He appears with Yusuf's beauty reciting
The surah of Yusuf with eloquent explanation.

٧. يَبدو بِصورَةِ يوسُفٍ يَتلو الهَوى
آياتِ سورَةِ يوسُفٍ بِبَيانِهِ

8. What fair one with swaying grace captivated me
With the glances and brilliance of his eyes?

٨. مَن مُنصِفي مِن شادِنٍ أَحوى مُعَر
بِدِ لَحظِهِ نَشوانِهِ وَسِنانِهِ

9. Spring adorns itself in finery every season,
Yet the garden blushes before him in April's bloom.

٩. يَجلو الرَبيعُ بِكُلِّ فَصلٍ حُسنَهُ
فَالرَوضُ يَخجَلُ مِنهُ في نَيسانِهِ

10. He is rose-cheeked, pink as the rose's hue
On branches in the rose gardens.

١٠. غَضٌّ جَنِيُّ الوَردِ في وَجناتِهِ
يُزري بِلَونِ الوَردِ في أَغصانِهِ

11. A moon, but his rejection left me no remnants
To restore his kindness' beauty.

١١. قَمَرٌ وَلَكِن صَدُّهُ لَم يُبقِ لي
رَمَقاً يُعيدُ الحُسنَ في إِحسانِهِ

12. Affectionate as a spear upright in its stance,
Doubly bending like the blade of his spear.

١٢. مُتَأَوِّدٌ كَالرُمحِ فِعلُ قَوامِهِ
مُتَثَنِّياً أَضعاف فِعلِ سِنانِهِ

13. From his face goodness' fruits are plucked, gracing us
With the bounty of his garden's ban.

١٣. مِن وَجهِهِ تُجنى ثِمارُ الحُسنِ يا
نِعَةً بِما نَهواهُ مِن بُستانِهِ

14. His height sways like a blood-stained spear's
Having spilled blood with its strikes and stabs.

١٤. يَهتَزُّ كَالرُمحِ المُثَقَّفِ قَدُّهُ
سَفَكَ الدِّماءَ بِضَربِهِ وَطِعانِهِ

15. If Moses had brought Pharoah a hair
From his mole, it would have spared his serpent.

١٥. لَو كانَ موسى جاءَ فِرعَوناً بِعَق
رَبِ صُدغِهِ أَغنَتهُ عَن ثُعبانِهِ