
Enough sorrow that I ask about the living one,

كفى حزنا أني عن الحي سآل

1. Enough sorrow that I ask about the living one,
While dwellings and ruins have become deserted of you.

١. كَفى حزناً أَنّي عَنِ الحَيِّ سآّلُ
وَقَد أَقفَرَت مِنكُم رُبوعٌ وَأَطلالُ

2. And in them time would bring about ardour,
So in the living one, time brings about terms.

٢. وَكانَت بِها الآجالُ تُحضِرُ غيرَةً
فَصارَت بِها في الحَيِّ تَحضُرُ آجالُ

3. They hid the intent - were it not for bodies in winding-sheets -
Verily, the ravens are but carrion birds for secrets.

٣. أَسَرّوا النَّوى لَولا غَرابيبُ وُقَّعٌ
أَلا إِنَّما الغِربانُ لِلسِّرِّ غِربالُ

4. When they traveled, beauty went in its entirety,
Beauties setting under the howdahs.

٤. لَقَد سارَ إِذ ساروا الجَمالُ بِأَسرِهِ
تَخُبُّ بِهِ تَحتَ الهَوادِجِ أَجمالُ

5. They traveled in successive turns and selected encampments,
And touched the boughs of acacia and piper, bending.

٥. سَفَرنَ بدوراً وَاِنتَقَبنَ أَهِلَّةً
وَمِسنَ غُصونَ البانِ وَالبانُ مَيّالُ

6. So they are, within howdah shells, pearls,
Their vessels are she-camels, and the sea is muddy.

٦. فَهُنَّ بِأَصدافِ الهَوادِجِ لُؤلُؤٌ
سَفائِنُهُنَّ النوقُ وَالأَبحُرُ الآلُ

7. How many gazelles, whose glances in hunting
Are lions, while in the enclosures they are tranquil.

٧. فَكَم ظَبيَةٍ أَلحاظُها في اِصطِيادِها ال
أُسودَ نِشاطٌ وَهيَ في الخِدرِ مِكسالُ

8. The young she-camels wish that they are
Necklaces sold in the markets as burdens.

٨. تَوَدُّ الدَراري وَالأَهِلَّةُ أَنَّها
عُقودٌ بليتَيها وَلِلسُّوقِ أَحجالُ

9. Saʿd and Saʿda gave me willingly from the meat
What I wanted, so the omen turned fortunate.

٩. سُعادٌ وَسُعدى جادَتا لي مِنَ اللَمى
بِما كُنتُ أَبغيهِ لَقَد سَعِدَ الفالُ

10. Just as the Merciful made it fortunate when it settled,
You see it as a residence for the August One.

١٠. كَما أَسعَدَ الرَحمَنُ جِلَّقَ إِذ غَدَت
تُرى وَهيَ دارٌ لِلمعُظَّمِ مِحلالُ

11. Damascus is paradise, musk is its earth,
Its pebbles are ruby and its water is running.

١١. دِمشقُ هِيَ الفِردَوسُ وَالمِسكُ تُربُها
وَحَصباؤُها الياقوتُ وَالماءُ جِريالُ

12. From the augustness of exalted religion it became
Vainglorious over cities in its special garb.

١٢. وَمِن شَرَفِ الدينِ المُعَظَّمِ أَصبَحَت
عَلى المُدنِ في وَشيِ التَبَجُّحِ تَختالُ

13. Indeed since he arrived in it and inhabited it
Beauty, grace, merit and favor have singled it out.

١٣. لَقَد خَصَّها مُذ حَلَّ فيها وَعَمَّها
جَمالٌ وَإِجمالٌ وَفَضلٌ وَإِفضالُ

14. Lo, O August King, it is a blessing
That Jilqaʾ arrived and affairs became orderly through it.

١٤. أَلا أَيُّها المَلكُ المُعَظَّمُ نِعمَةٌ
بِجِلَّقَ حَلَّت فَاِستَقامَت بِها الحالُ

15. And none suits it but him,
Can a warbler in the horizon match the sun?

١٥. وَلَيسَ يَليقُ المَلكُ فيها بِغَيرِهِ
أَيُغني غَناءَ الشَمسِ في الأُفقِ ذُبّالُ

16. In his breast is an abundant sea of knowledge
And his mind, when he composes poetry, is creative.

١٦. فَفي صَدرِهِ بَحرٌ مِنَ العِلمِ زاخِرٌ
وَخاطِرُهُ إِذ يَنظِمُ الشِعرَ لآّلُ

17. He is not a vicious lion with tearing claws,
Though around him are weddings and cubs.

١٧. وَما أَسَدٌ دامي الأَظافِرِ كاسِرٌ
وَفي الغيلِ أَعراسٌ لَدَيهِ وَأَشبالُ

18. A formidable hero whom the protectors dread
And the cowardly dread, fearing him, heroes.

١٨. هِزَبرٌ تَحامَتهُ الحُماةُ وَكَعَّتِ ال
كُماةُ وَخامَت خِيفَةً مِنهُ أَبطالُ

19. The steeds of heroes stumbled over an obstruction
And from it chests and shoulders were wounded.

١٩. وَآضَت فُحولُ الخَيلِ مُقرَبَةَ الكُلا
وَقَد كُلِمَت مِنها صُدورٌ وَأَكفالُ

20. More valiant than him when he brandishes his sword
And his right hand trembles, eager to stab.

٢٠. بِأَشجَعَ مِنهُ حينَ يُشهِرُ سَيفَهُ
وَيَهتَزُّ في يُمناهُ لِلطَّعنِ عَسّالُ

21. Nor is the pouring rain more continuous, stormy,
When tails are dragged over the earth by clouds.

٢١. وَلا الغَيثُ مُنهَلَّ العَزالي مُجَلجِلاً
وَقَد سُحِبَت لِلسُحبِ في الأَرضِ أَذيالُ

22. The wind did not shake it until plains were made equal
With mountains by the striking of torrents.

٢٢. فَما زَعزَعَتهُ الريحُ حَتّى تَعادَلَت
سُهولٌ بِدُفّاعِ السُيولِ وَأَجبالُ

23. More generous than his right hand which pours with dew,
There is no place in the ages it did not settle.

٢٣. بِأَغزَرَ مِن يُمناهُ تَنهَلُّ بِالنَدى
فَلَيسَ بِأَرضٍ حَلَّها الدَهر إِمحالُ

24. Solemn and revered in souls, his nature
With it, is gentle to the companion and soft.

٢٤. وَقورٌ مَهيبٌ في النُفوسِ وَخُلقُهُ
بِهِ سَلسَبيلٌ لِلجَليسِ وَسَلسالُ

25. If the entourage of kings are busy with their leisure,
He has no occupation but noble deeds.

٢٥. إِذا اِشتَغَلَت شوسُ المُلوكِ بِلَهوِها
فَلَيسَ لَهُ إِلّا المَكارِمَ أَشغالُ

26. He wore the clothes of glory plainly,
Can a plain cloak equal fine raiment?

٢٦. تَقَمَّصَ أَثوابَ المَعالي قَشيبَةً
وَهَل يَستَوي بُردٌ قَشيبٌ وَأَسمالُ

27. Happy is the auspicious year of his succession
To an enduring kingdom, not changed by circumstances.

٢٧. هَنيئاً لَهُ الحَولُ البَشيرُ حُؤولُهُ
بِمُلكٍ مُقيمٍ لَم تُحَوِّلهُ أَحوالُ

28. His efforts did not cease to uncover
The facets of purpose, white, and so hopes are met.

٢٨. وَلا بَرِحَت فيهِ مَساعيهِ تَجتَلي
وُجوهَ المُنى بيضاً فَتُدرَكَ آمالُ

29. Whenever he faces the afflicted ones the innocence of his face,
He meets them with acceptance and inclination.

٢٩. مَتى قابَلَ العافونَ غُرَّةَ وَجهِهِ
تَلَقّاهُمُ مِنهُ قَبولٌ وَإِقبالُ

30. How many destitutes has he come upon hoping for his bestowal,
Then he returned, hoping for his munificence, and owning wealth.

٣٠. وَكَم مُعسِرٍ وافاهُ يَرجو نَوالَهُ
فَعادَ مُرَجّي جودِهِ وَلَهُ مالُ

31. He continues possessing a kingdom whose shadows
Stretch over him, and alongside bounties, favors are too short.

٣١. فَلا زالَ ذا مُلكٍ تُمَدُّ ظِلالُهُ
عَلَيهِ وَبِالنَّعماءِ تَقصُرُ أَسجالُ