1. The sublime one wept when she lost Ma'n,
And no words remained for rhymes, nor meaning.
١. بَكَت مَعناً العَلياءُ إِذ فَقَدَت مَعنا
وَلَم يَبقَ لَفظٌ لِلقَوافي وَلا مَعنى
2. The stars of the virtuous faded away
And there the sun of glory set, saddened with grief.
٢. وَغارَت نُجومُ المَكرُماتِ وَكُوِّرَت
هُنالِكَ شَمسُ المَجدِ كاسِفَةً حُزنا
3. The eloquent tongues in every gathering are silenced,
And the one whose words would silence tongues is made mute.
٣. مَضى اللَسِنُ المِنطيقُ في كُلِّ مَحفَلٍ
وَأُخرِسَ مَن أَلفاظُهُ تُفحِمُ اللُّسنا
4. After him the prime of life is pastured on loss,
And the roar of the formidable, horn-wielding warrior is stilled.
٤. رَعَت بَعدَهُ في الحَيِّ فُصلانُ دورِهِ
وَزالَ هَديرُ المُقرَمِ الصارِعِ القِرنا
5. The days mourned him in black as if
The Pleiades at nightfall mourned in black garb.
٥. وَآضَت لَهُ الأَيّامُ سوداً كَأَنَّها
سُرىً أَصبَحَ التَأويبُ فيها سُرىً وَهُنا
6. Your environs are of varied hues like the faces
Of the bereaved, so we see in them neither beauty nor charm.
٦. حَوالِكُ أَلوانٍ كَوالِحُ أَوجُهٍ
فَلَسنا نَرى فيهِنَّ حُسناً وَلا حَسنا
7. Oh his grave, how much glory you took in
And how much anguish from him and how much grief you harbor!
٧. فَيا قَبرَهُ كَم حُزتَ مَجداً وَسُؤدَداً
وَكَم لَوعَةً مِنهُ وَحُزناً بِكَ الحُزنا
8. Oh his grave, you hid from him fingers
When the bereaved despaired of life, being utterly despondent.
٨. وَيا قَبرَهُ وارَيتَ مِنهُ أَنامِلاً
إِذا المُزنُ ضَنَّت بِالحَيا كانَتِ المُزنا
9. Keys to sustenance, clouds of bounty
That rain upon the farthest and nearest of creation.
٩. مَفاتِحُ أَرزاقٍ سَحائِبُ أَنعُمٍ
تَسُحُّ عَلى الأَقصى مِنَ الخَلقِ وَالأَدنى
10. When the fearful and hoping came to him
The hoping found safety and the fearful found peace.
١٠. وَكانَ إِذا وافاهُ عافٍ وَخائِفٌ
أَصابَ المُنى عافوهُ وَالخائِفُ الأَمنا
11. And how, when we have tasted the bitterness of losing him,
Could we visit lands that hold no charm for us?
١١. وَأَنّى وَقَد ذُقنا مَرارَةَ فَقدِهِ
نَزورُ دِياراً ما نُحِبُّ لَها مَغنى
12. Truly time has trampled its coursers
And after him it was deluded, and the right hand too.
١٢. يَميناً لَقَد بَزَّ الزَمانُ حُجولَهُ
وَغُرَّتَهُ مِن بَعدِهِ وَاليَدَ اليُمنى
13. Would that when death announced him to me
God had not created for me either eye or ear!
١٣. وَدِدتُ بِأَن لَم يخلق اللَهُ لي وَقَد
نَعاهُ لِيَ الناعونَ عَيناً وَلا أُذنا
14. How they wounded a heart! How they inflamed a mind
With the news of Ma'n! How they ulcerated the eyelids!
١٤. فَكَم جَرَحوا قَلباً وَكَم حَرَّقوا حَشاً
بِنَعيِهِمُ معناً وَكَم أَقرَحوا جَفنا
15. It is but little for us to rend our cloaks in sadness
And to let fall a tear, some of which could float ships.
١٥. قَليلٌ لَنا شَقُّ الجُيوبِ تَأَسُّفاً
وَإِسبالُ دَمعٍ بَعضُهُ يَحمِلُ السُفنا
16. For the world would flatter me through him
And elevate me through him to the most noble abode.
١٦. فَقَد كانَتِ الدُنيا تُجامِلُني بِهِ
وَتَرفَعُني مِنهُ إِلى المَنزِلِ الأَسنى
17. When fate is my adversary, then where is he who would
Repel its fangs when I cry out?
١٧. إِذا كانَتِ الأَقدارُ خَصمي فَأَينَ مَن
يَرُدُّ إِذا اِستَصرَختُ أَنيابَها الحُجنا
18. Does every day bring strife swooping down on me
With one who does not tire of striking and stabbing?
١٨. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلخُطوبِ إِغارَةٌ
عَلَيَّ بِمَن لا يَسأَمُ الضَربَ وَالطَعنا
19. I think my heart has become the repository of sorrows,
For their torrent has flooded the easy and difficult terrain.
١٩. أَظُنُّ فُؤادي لِلهُمومِ قَرارَةً
فَقَد عَمَّ مِنهُ سَيلُها السَهلَ وَالحَزنا
20. The good fortune of the state died with Muhsin's son,
So how do I see the like of him among people? Where?
٢٠. وَقَد ماتَ سَعدُ الدَولَةِ بنُ مُحَسِّنٍ
فَأَنّى أَرى في الناسِ مِثلاً لَهُ أَنّى
21. Gone is the sword that was resolute and decisive,
And the pouring rain that would expand around me abundantly.
٢١. مَضى مِن يَميني صارِمٌ كانَ ماضِياً
وَغَيثٌ سَكوبٌ كانَ يوسِعُني هَتنا
22. Dear sir, how hard for us that we lived on
While the hands of time snatched you harshly from us!
٢٢. عَزيزٌ عَلَينا يا أَبا الجودِ أَنَّنا
حَيَينا وَقَد غالَتكَ أَيدي الرَّدى مِنّا
23. You were but the formidable fortress of your people,
So after you they find no refuge if oppressed.
٢٣. وَما كُنتَ إِلّا حِصنَ قَومِكَ باذِخاً
فَبَعدَكَ لا يَلقَونَ إِن ظُلِموا حِصنا
24. You were their glory and pillar, lofty and firm,
So after you they lost glory and pillar.
٢٤. وَكُنتَ لَهُم جاهاً وَرُكناً مُؤَثَّلاً
فَقَد عَدِموا مِن بَعدِكَ الجاهَ وَالرُكنا
25. Some men wished you dead so they might gain prominence,
But alas, after you they tasted but disgrace and frailty!
٢٥. تَمَنّى رِجالٌ أَن تَموتَ لِيَشرُفوا
وَهَيهاتَ لاقَوا بَعدَكَ الذُلَّ وَالوَهنا
26. For you are the good deeds that remain with mankind,
So if you perish in this world, still your memory does not perish.
٢٦. لَكَ الباقِياتُ الصالِحاتُ لَدى الوَرى
فَإِن تَفنَ في الدُنيا فَذِكرُكَ لا يَفنى
27. Some folk will recall your position among them
And their work after is but to strike their teeth.
٢٧. سَتَذكُرُ أَقوامٌ مَقامَكَ فيهِمُ
فَدَأبُهُمُ مِن بَعد أَن يَقرَعوا السِّنا
28. The belly of the earth used to envy its back,
But since you died its back envies its belly!
٢٨. وَقَد كانَ بَطنُ الأَرضِ يَحسُدُ ظَهرَها
فَمُذ مِتّ أَمسى ظَهرُها يَحسُدُ البَطنا
29. O lover of life, take heed, for it
When friendly, betrays, and shows but malice.
٢٩. فَيا عاشِقَ الدُّنيا النَجاءَ فَإِنَّها
إِذا سالَمَت غارَت وَأَظهَرَتِ الضِغنا
30. When you see a people whose elders have perished,
God will not grant them prominence again.
٣٠. إِذا ما رَأَيتَ القَومَ أَودى كِبارُهُم
فَلَيسَ يُقيمُ اللَهُ يَوماً لَهُم وَزنا
31. Had power driven back death from him
Lips of the cleavers of skulls would have snatched lives,
٣١. وَلَو رَدَّ عَنهُ المَوتَ بَأسٌ لَأَزهَقَت
شِفارُ المَواضي أَنفُساً وَالقَنا اللُدنا
32. And a tribulation would have taken wing
From which even lionesses retreat in cowardice.
٣٢. وَطارَت إِلى يَومِ الكَريهَةِ فِتنَةٌ
تَقاعَسُ عَنها الأُسدُ ناكِصَةً جُبنا
33. But it is death, which cannot be repelled
If it desires a tomb among the people, and will not be dissuaded.
٣٣. وَلَكِنَّهُ المَوتُ الَّذي لا يُرَدُّ إِن
أَرادَ مَغاراً في الأَنامِ وَلا يُثنى