
Tents were pitched in Al-Ghawair for Zainab,

ضربت لزينب بالغوير خيام

1. Tents were pitched in Al-Ghawair for Zainab,
So peace be upon Al-Ghawair and its inhabitants.

١. ضُرِبَت لِزَينَبَ بِالغُوَيرِ خِيامُ
فَعَلى الغُوَيرِ وَساكِنيهِ سَلامُ

2. Those square tents can slay lions
In mere moments during their days.

٢. تِلكَ المَرابِعُ تصرَعُ الآسادَ بِال
لَحَظاتِ في عَرَصاتِها الأَيّامُ

3. How many a band was severed there
That even its belt wept in sorrow over it.

٣. كَم عُروَةٍ فُصِمَت لِعُروَةَ عِندها
حَتّى بَكى أَسَفاً عَلَيهِ حَزامُ

4. Are they gazelle's eyelids or the eyelids of its hunter
That yearn - so each of their glances is a sword?

٤. أَظُبى جُفونٍ أَم جُفونُ ظِبائِها
تَرنو فَكُلُّ لِحاظِهِنَّ حُسامُ

5. Are those eyebrows or arrows that were unleashed
From their glances against them as arrows?

٥. تِلكَ الحَواجِبُ أَم قِسِيٌّ أُرسِلَت
عَنهُنَّ مِن أَلحاظِهِنَّ سِهامُ

6. The eyes of each fair-faced one whose locks are showing
Betray sickness though there is no sickness.

٦. مِن كُلِّ واضِحَةِ الثَنايا طَرفُها
يُبدي السَقامَ وَلَيسَ فيهِ سَقامُ

7. Water in her mouth for one who kisses her juicy lips -
The love of clouds regulated and continual.

٧. لَمَياءُ في فيها لِراشِفِ ثَغرِها
حَبُّ الغَمامِ مُنَظَّماً وَمُدامُ

8. I yearn for the lost one of Al-Udhayb and its shaded
Guest-house, hospitable and fragrant with perfumes.

٨. أَصبو إِلى أَثلاتِ نَجدٍ كُلَّما
وَمضُ البَريقِ عَلى الغُوَيرِ يُشامُ

9. How can I get there when the judge of love
Has decreed my death while my adversary lives?

٩. وَيَشوقُني ضالُ العُذَيبِ وَظِلُّهُ ال
ضافي وَرَندٌ بِالحِمى وَبشامُ

10. Nights have passed and days gone by -
Good were those nights and days!

١٠. كَيفَ السَبيلُ وَقَد قَضى قاضي الهَوى
فيهِ بِقَتلي وَالغَريمُ غَرامُ

11. With each fair-faced one whose veil reveals her mouth,
My mouth was veiled by hers in embracing hugs.

١١. وَلَّت لُيَيلاتٌ وَأَيّامٌ مَضَت
نِعمَ اللَيالي كُنَّ وَالأَيّامُ

12. The beloved came by for a visit when
No one reproached him for his boldness.

١٢. مَع كُلِّ واضِحَةِ اللِّثامِ لَها فَمي
بِاللَثمِ في ضَمِّ العِناقِ لِثامُ

13. At night, on foot, he came from Hajir,
Walking as darkness compounded darkness.

١٣. زارَ الحَبيبُ ولاتَ حينَ زِيارَةٍ
إِذ لَم يَرُعهُ عَنِ اللِّمامِ مَلامُ

14. He strode over wildcat burrows and trod on
The nesting places of ostriches while they were right before him.

١٤. في لَيلَةٍ مُتَرَجِّلاً مِن حاجِرٍ
عَسفاً وَقَد رَكِبَ الظَلامَ ظلامُ

15. Woe to him! How did he find his way to me
When he traveled from Hajir to my abode in Damascus?

١٥. يَخطو أَفاحيصَ القَطا وَيَدوسُ أُد
حِيَّ النَعامِ وَهُنَّ مِن قُدّامُ

16. He came to me in a dream addressing me - he whose
Waking speech I never heard.

١٦. واهاً لَهُ أَنّى اِهتَدى لَمّا سَرى
مِن حاجِرٍ نَحوي وَداري الشامُ

17. How could I forget - no, I never forget - my beloved and his words:
"The departure draws near tomorrow, so the stay has become difficult."

١٧. وافى إِلَيَّ مُخاطِباً في النَومِ مَن
لَم يَبدُ لي يَقظانَ مِنهُ كَلامُ

18. They saddled their camels, and each fine lady
Had the reins of separation in her hand the next morning.

١٨. ما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ الحَبيبَ وَقَولَهُ
أَزِفَ الرَحيلُ غَداً وَعَزَّ مَقامُ

19. They said: "Tomorrow is the day of departure," but I replied:
"No, rather tears will flow at the parting."

١٩. زَمّوا مَطاياهُم فَكُلُّ نَجيبَةٍ
في رَأسِها بِيَدِ الفِراقِ زِمامُ

20. They departed from before me - faces and places -
So dawn and darkness embraced.

٢٠. قالوا غَداً يَومُ النَوى فَأَجَبتُهُم
لا بَل يُحَمُّ لَدى الفِراقِ حِمامُ

21. They are the beloveds who pierce our hearts
With glances from hostile eyes like arrows.

٢١. وَسَفَرنَ لي عَن أَوجُهٍ وَغَدائِرٍ
فَتَعانَقَ الإِصباحُ وَالإِظلامُ

22. Were it not for fear of Allah, their beautiful idols
Would have led me to the paganism of ignorance.

٢٢. هُنَّ الحَبائِبُ راشِقاتُ قُلوبِنا
مِن لَحظِ أَعداءٍ لَهُنَّ سِهامُ

23. The Bedouins who prize zeal and do not neglect reins
Have gone, while I remain among fools like cattle

٢٣. لَولا اِتِّقاءُ اللَهِ قادَتنا لِدي
نِ الجاهِلِيَّةِ هَذِهِ الأَصنامُ

24. In an era where they are ostriches when we meet.
I will surely strike my tents and head out, seeking

٢٤. ذَهَبَ الأَعاريبُ الَّذينَ لَدَيهِمُ
يُحمى الذِمارُ وَلا يَضيعُ ذِمامُ

25. The abode of bliss and its generous shade.
It is Baalbek, famed for glory and religion -

٢٥. وَبَقيتُ في سُفَهاءَ كَالأَنعامِ في
عَهدٍ وَهُم عِندَ اللِقاءِ نَعامُ

26. An exalted royal court for the great Bahram.
Its soldiers are fierce lions whose only

٢٦. لَأُقَوِّضَن عَنهُم خِيامي قاصِداً
دارَ النَعيمِ بِظِلِّها الإِنعامُ

27. Weapons are sharp blades on the day of battle.
Its armies are like spears, and Bahram is their point,

٢٧. هِيَ بَعلَبَكُّ سَمَت بِمَجدِ الدينِ بَه
رَم شاهَ دانَ لِشَأوِهِ بَهرامُ

28. Not hesitating to plunge into the heart of an army.
Its bows are messengers of death to the enemies,

٢٨. فَجُنودُهُ الأُسدُ الضَواري ما لَها
إِلّا القَنا يَومَ الوَغى آجامُ

29. Striking souls so bodies fall down lifeless.
In his right hand, the sword is shining bright,

٢٩. وَجُيوشُهُ كَالرُمحِ وَهوَ سِنانُهُ
عَن قَلبِ جَيشٍ ما لَهُ إِحجامُ

30. Shedding blood while the clouds are darkness.
The eyes of polytheists weep from its lethal blows

٣٠. وَلِقَوسِهِ رُسُلُ المَنونِ إِلى العِدا
تُصمي النُفوسَ فَتَسقُطُ الأَجسامُ

31. Against the idolaters while Islam smiles.
Upon him is a coat of mail made from the weaving

٣١. وَالسَيفُ في يُمناهُ بَرقٌ لامِعٌ
يُجري دِماءً وَالعَجاجُ غَمامُ

32. Of David - perfectly constructed by him.
His steed is a sea, surging with its saddle,

٣٢. تَبكي عُيونُ الشِركِ مِنهُ لِفَتكِهِ
بِالمُشرِكينَ وَيَضحَكُ الإِسلامُ

33. A sea over which the neighing of a stallion echoes.
He did not desire any lofty affair

٣٣. وَعَلَيهِ دِرعٌ فاضَةٌ مِن نَسجِ دا
وودَ النَبِيِّ لِسَردِها إِحكامُ

34. Except to find it achieved, unmatched.
Neither far nor near do his enemies feel safe

٣٤. وَحِصانُهُ بَحرٌ يَموجُ بِسَرجِهِ
بَحرٌ وَيَزأَرُ فَوقَهُ ضِرغامُ

35. Awake or asleep, out of fear of him.
He is like an angry lion, leaping up

٣٥. ما رامَ أَمراً في المَعالي راقِياً
إِلّا وَأَصبَحَ فيهِ لَيسَ يُرامُ

36. To pounce on the spines of heroes - such is his habit.
O you of generous hands and favors that give life

٣٦. لَم تَحلُ مِن أَعدائِهِ مِن خَوفِهِ
قُرباً وَبُعداً يَقظَةٌ وَمَنامُ

37. To the poor and the orphans!
Pray to Allah sincerely, sacrifice willingly -

٣٧. كَاللَيثِ مُنتَفِضاً لِوَثبَتِهِ عَلى
شَثنِ البَراثِنِ دَأبُهُ الإِقدامُ

38. For your critics are humiliation and subjugation.
By your hand is the pen to which east and west

٣٨. يا ذا الأَيادي البيضِ وَالمِنَنِ الَّتي
تَحيا بِها الفُقَراءُ وَالأَيتامُ

39. Have submitted in their highest pursuits.
How remarkable is the cleft-tongued critic with his inscription -

٣٩. لِلَهِ رَبِّكَ صَلِّ وَاِنحَر مُخلِصاً
فَلِشانِئيكَ الذُلُّ وَالإِرغامُ

40. No wonder, grammar, eloquence, or illiteracy!
It is as if he apportioned sustenance and lifespans -

٤٠. وَبِكَفِّكَ القَلَمُ الَّذي دانَت لَهُ
شَرقاً وَغَرباً في العُلا الأَقلامُ

41. Dividing them with his right hand that decides fates.
If he but writes a line, momentous affairs ensue, for in

٤١. فَاِعجَب لِمَشقوقِ اللِسانِ بِنَقشِهِ ال
إِغرابُ وَالإِعرابُ وَالإِعجامُ

42. Your right hand, O writer, is the numbering pen.
Lofty ambitions have been raised for you in battle

٤٢. فَكَأَنَّما الأَرزاقُ وَالآجالُ قَس
سَمَها بِهِ بِيَمينِهِ القَسّامُ

43. As a banner beneath which other banners bow down.
Victory and support are tied to your sweetness,

٤٣. إِن دَقَّ خَطاً جَلَّ خَطباً فَهوَ في
يُمنى يَدَيكَ الأَرقَمُ الرَقّامُ

44. As are annulment and confirmation.
You hold a position none in our time desired

٤٤. رَفَعَت لَكَ الهِمَمُ العَوالي في الوَغى
عَلَماً تَنَكَّسُ دونَهُ الأَعلامُ

45. Except for the one who is the imam of the age.
For you is eternal life throughout the ages, and for the one

٤٥. فَالنَصرُ وَالتَأييدُ مَعقودانِ في
عَذَباتِهِ وَالنَقضُ وَالإِبرامُ

46. You have left behind, greetings and peace.
The trees of your lineage among the Ayyubids, O excellent

٤٦. لَكَ مَنصِبٌ لَم يَشأَهُ في دَهرِنا
إِلا الَّذي هُوَ لِلزَّمانِ إِمامُ

47. Fruits adorned with colorful sleeves.
So speak out boldly, for among kings you have no rival

٤٧. فَلكَ البَقاءُ مَدى الزَمانِ وَلِلَّذي
خُلِّفتَ عَنهُ تَحِيَّةٌ وَسَلامُ

48. When fathers and uncles are remembered.
You are the one in whose every hair follicle

٤٨. شَجَراتُ عيصِكَ في بَني أَيّوبَ يا
نِعَةٌ يَزينُ ثِمارَها الأَكمامُ

49. Is a vigilant, protecting lion.
This is a position in which every pretentious babbler before you

٤٩. فَاِبجَح فَما لَكَ في المُلوكِ مُساجِلٌ
إِذ يُذكَرُ الآباءُ وَالأَعمامُ

50. Is an utterly confused stammerer.
You have a dynasty that surpasses all kingdoms,

٥٠. أَنتَ الَّذي في كُلِّ مَنبِتِ شَعرَةٍ
مِنهُ هِزَبرٌ عاصِمٌ وَعِصامُ

51. With servants for every noble deed.
Its parts are proportionate in the heights,

٥١. هَذا مقامٌ فيهِ كُلُّ مُفَوَّهٍ
غَيري لَدَيكَ مُفَهَّهٌ تَمتامُ

52. Like pearls arranged in an ornamental string.
May the granter of might keep mighty support

٥٢. لَكَ دَولَةٌ دُوَلُ المُلوكِ بِأَسرِها
في كُلِّ مَكرُمَةٍ لَها خُدامُ

53. For the religion - the enemy is thereby restrained through you.
You have lofty mansions, each of which

٥٣. أَعضاؤُها مُتَناسِباتٌ في العُلا
مِثلُ الفَرائِدِ زانَهُنَّ نِظامُ

54. Contains marvels the highest banners seek.
Abodes filled with blessings within blessings -

٥٤. أَبقى مُعِزُّ الدينِ عِزّاً أَقعَساً
لِلدينِ مِنكَ بِهِ العَدُوُّ يُضامُ

55. With you, the generous gifts flow freely.
You have honorable, noble sons - no surprise

٥٥. وَلَكَ القُصورُ المُنشَآتُ فَكُلُّها
في بَحرِ ما تُستَحسَنُ الأَعلامُ

56. That the generous beget the generous.
They have not abandoned the garments of good fortune, wearing

٥٦. دورٌ حَوَت بِركاتُها بَرَكاتِها
فَالسَلسَبيلُ بِها لَدَيكَ رُخامُ

57. Robes that turtledoves have not touched.
They are the crescent moons growing, or do you see

٥٧. وَلَكَ البَنونَ الأَكرَمونَ مَغارِساً
لا غَروَ أَن تَلِدَ الكِرامَ كِرامُ

58. Among them the full moons of kingship?
So greet in peace what was once familiar

٥٨. لا فارَقوا حُلَلَ السُعودِ مَلابِساً
ما أُلبِسَت أَطواقَهُنَّ حَمامُ

59. With the name now customary since past days.
And delight in the holidays after independence from

٥٩. فَهُمُ الأَهِلَّةُ نامِياتٌ أَو تَرى
مِنهُم بُدورَ المُلكِ وَهيَ تَمامُ

60. Familiar friends in Arabizing their names.

٦٠. فَاِسلَم وَدُم ما صاحَبَت أَلِفاً بِالاس
مِ السابِقِ المَعهودِ يَوماً لامُ

٦١. وَتَهَنَّ بِالأَعيادِ ما اِستَغنَت عَنِ ال
أَلِفاتِ في تَعريبِها الأَعلامُ