
Come now, my critic, the date palm has borne fruit

هلم يا لائمي قد أثمر البان

1. Come now, my critic, the date palm has borne fruit
Look at its fruits, pure date syrup is puzzled

١. هَلُمَّ يا لائِمي قَد أَثمَرَ البانُ
وَاِنظُر فَواكِهَ فيها اللُبُّ حَيرانُ

2. Don't you see palm trees lined on a sandy hill
Swaying gently while irrigated

٢. أَما تَرى خوطَ بانٍ في كَثيبِ نَقاً
مُهَفهَفاً يَتَثَنّى وَهوَ رَيّانُ

3. Its branches are clusters and its trunks
Are the apples of Lebanon and ripe pomegranates

٣. فَالفَرعُ مِنهُ عَناقيدٌ وَوَجنَتُهُ
تُفّاحُ لُبنانَ وَالنَهدانِ رُمّانُ

4. These are the fruits that remain ripe
So stop blaming me, for whoever loves an orchard

٤. هَذي فَواكِهُ ما تَنفَكُّ يانِعَةً
فَدَع مَلامي فَمَن أَهواهُ بُستانُ

5. When he approaches it, his soul is elated
As if his breaths were a spirit and sweet basil

٥. إِلى لَماهُ اِرتِياحُ الروحِ مُنبَعِثٌ
كَأَنَّ أَنفاسَهُ روحٌ وَرَيحانُ

6. I glorify God in awe of His image
When it sings, as if eyelids and teeth were shining

٦. أُسَبِّحُ اللَهَ إِعجاباً بِصورَتِهِ
إِذا رَنا وَكَأَنَّ الطَرفَ وَسنانُ

7. I wept in His presence out of fear of separation
Knowing that after union, estrangement is sure to follow

٧. بَكَيتُ في قُربِهِ مِن خَوفِ فُرقَتِهِ
علماً بِأَن سَوفَ يَتلو الوَصلَ هِجرانُ

8. It's as if He were a heavenly houris bringing good news
Of mercy and pleasure for me from Him as welcome

٨. كَأَنَّما هُوَ حورِيٌّ يُبَشِّرُني
بِرَحمَةٍ وَرضىً لي مِنهُ رِضوانُ

9. The most noble king, of few but precious words, for him
There are virtues that fill the world with kindness

٩. وَالأَشرَفُ المَلِكُ القَيلُ الجَوادُ لَهُ
مَكارِمٌ تَملَأُ الدُنيا وَإِحسانُ

10. His benevolence is hoped for and his wrath is not feared
Except when knights clash in battle

١٠. يُرجى نَداهُ وَلا تُخشى بَوادِرُهُ
إِلا إِذا اِصطَدَمَت في الحَربِ فُرسانُ

11. There he captures heroes with might
As if he were the falcon and heroes frightened sparrows

١١. هُناكَ يَقتَنِصُ الأَبطال مُقتَدراً
كَأَنَّهُ الصَقرُ وَالأَبطالُ خِربانُ

12. The faces of enemies have paled, O King of Armenia
Franks and Kurds all cower before you

١٢. شاهَت وُجوهُ العِدا يا شاهَ أَرمَنَ فَال
فِرنج وَالكَرج كُلٌّ مِنك خشيانُ

13. Hot tempered yet this sea remains an obstacle
Overflowing in each of its turbulent depths

١٣. حَتّامَ أَصدى وَهَذا البَحرُ مُعتَرِضٌ
يَفيضُ في كُلِّ قُطرٍ مِنهُ خُلجانُ

14. A sea that overflows with precious pearls for the capable
Yet for the commoners is a deluge

١٤. بَحرٌ يَفيضُ عَلى العافينَ جَوهَرُهُ ال
ثَمينُ وَهوَ عَلى العادينَ طوفانُ

15. Enough of you, O Bani Shadhi, your affairs
A king who to his enemies submits in humiliation

١٥. كَفاكُمُ يا بَني شاذي أُمورَكُم
مَلكٌ لِأَعدائِهِ بِالذُّلِّ إِذعانُ

16. He adorns the swords of oath-breakers with their necks
As their heads become crowns for spears of battle

١٦. يَكسو السُيوفَ جُسومَ الناكِثينَ بِهِ
وَهامُهُم لِرِماحِ الخَطِّ تيجانُ

17. He wages war as deaths become articulated
On the beaks of vultures, vulture over vulture

١٧. يَغزو فَتَغدو المَنايا في أَسِنَّتِهِ
مُستَنسِراتٍ عَلى العُقبانِ عُقبانُ

18. He has accustomed the birds to habits, trusting them
On days of strife, they are food and feeders

١٨. قَد عَوَّدَ الطَيرَ عاداتٍ وَثِقنَ بِها
يَومَ الوَغى فَهوَ مِطعامٌ وَمِطعانُ

19. With steadfast opinion, self-reliant in solitude
From men, stout of heart and vigilant

١٩. مُستَحكِمُ الرَأيِ مُستَغنٍ بِوَحدَتِهِ
عَنِ الرِجالِ جَريءُ القَلبِ يَقظانُ

20. With the most noble, Islam was exalted and faith rose high
While crosses were lowered in humiliation

٢٠. بِالأَشرَفِ اِنتَصَبَ الإِسلامُ وَاِرتَفَعَ ال
إيمانُ وَاِنخَفَضَت بِالذُلِّ صُلبانُ

21. Whenever he raised his sword in war, he cut sinews
And souls departed from bodies

٢١. مَتى اِنتَضى سَيفَهُ في الحَربِ قَطَّعَ أَو
صالاً وَفارَقَتِ الأَرواحَ أَبدانُ

22. With resolve that splits solid deaf rock and determination
That cannot be matched, whether pleased or tired

٢٢. ذو عَزمَةٍ تَفلِقُ الصَخرَ الأَصَمَّ وَحِل
مٍ لا يُوازِنُهُ رَضوى وَثَهلانُ

23. Blessed of face, auspicious is his leadership
As if his face were good fortune and faith

٢٣. مُبارَكُ الوَجهِ مَيمونٌ نَقيبَتُهُ
كَأَنَّما وَجهُهُ يُمنٌ وَإيمانُ

24. When my time betrayed me with its pitfalls
I called out, "You are not time, but torment!"

٢٤. لَمّا رَماني زَماني في نَوائِبِهِ
نادَيتُ لَستَ زَماناً أَنتَ إِزمانُ

25. My comfort left me discomforted while I
Remain in the company of regrets, regretting

٢٥. فَراحتي صَفِرَت مِن راحَتي وَأَنا
عَلى مُنادَمَةِ النُدمانِ نَدمانُ

26. How many bosom friends that were unkind to me
So a friend is like an enemy, and brothers traitors

٢٦. كَم صاحِبٍ حاصِبٍ لي غَيرَ مُتَّئِبٍ
فَالخِلُّ كَالخَلِّ وَالإِخوانُ خُوّانُ

27. Some have claimed poetry yet they don't have
A single day's proof for their claim

٢٧. قَدِ اِدَّعى الشِّعرَ أَقوامٌ وَلَيسَ لَهُم
يَوماً عَلى ما اِدَّعوهُ فيهِ بُرهانُ

28. We were distinguished while they were imposters
Yet they persisted as imposters while I was judicious in my chest

٢٨. تَفَرزَنوا وَتَبَيدَقنا وَما بَرِحوا
بَيادِقاً وَأَنا في الصَّدرِ فِرزانُ

29. I will go to a king whose generosity exhausted petitions
That none before had attained, not even the pleading morning star

٢٩. لأَقصُدَن مَلِكاً أَعيَت فَصاحَتُهُ
قُساً وَما نالَها مِن قَبلُ سَحبانُ

30. Giver of thousands and spender of thousands with no
Reluctance when the fires of war are ignited

٣٠. مُعطي الأُلوفِ وَطَعّانُ الأُلوفِ لَدى ال
هَيجا إِذا أُوقِدَت لِلحَربِ نيرانُ

31. Until I return while my enviers say, "He has been
Enriched with grace and wealth, what a youth!"

٣١. حَتّى أَعودَ وَحُسّادي تَقولُ لَقَد
أَثرى مِنَ الفَضلِ وَالأَموالِ فِتيانُ

32. O king, embrace Islam, live long, be prosperous, let blood
Flow, for pilgrims have not ceased circumambulating God's House

٣٢. يا أَيُّها المَلِكُ اِسلَم وَاِبقَ وَاِسمُ وَدُم
ما يَمَّمَت حَجَّ بَيتِ اللَهِ رُكبانُ

33. And live long as Noah lived and attain the extent
Of kingdom that Solomon attained long ago

٣٣. وعشتَ ما عاشه نوحٌ ونلت مدى ال
مُلكِ الذي نالَهُ قِدماً سليمانُ