
I was astonished, though not when you were astonished,

عجبت ولكن لات حين تعجب

1. I was astonished, though not when you were astonished,
Is it astonishing that the full moon is eclipsed by a star?

١. عَجِبتُ وَلَكِن لاتَ حينَ تَعَجّبِ
وَهَل عَجبٌ بَدرٌ يُهَنّا بِكَوكَبِ

2. The full moon of the faith spread its light of justice
And kindness until it illuminated every dark night.

٢. لَقَد بَثَّ بَدرُ الدينِ أَنوارَ عَدلِهِ
وَإِحسانِهِ حَتّى اِنجَلا كُلُّ غَيهَبِ

3. Damascus, due to him, whoever visits it, whenever he comes
He finds it fragrant, even if it was not perfumed.

٣. دِمَشقُ بِهِ مَن زارَها كُلَّما أَتى
يُوافي بِها طيباً وَإِن لَم تُطَيَّبِ

4. If Imru’ al-Qays had visited it before, he would not have said
“Stop, let us weep over the ruins of Jundub.”

٤. فَلَو زارَها قَبلُ اِمرؤُ القَيسِ لَم يَقُل
خَليلَيَّ مرّا بي عَلى أُمِّ جُندُبِ

5. His catapults, if they strike the guests of a land
Make those in it wake up to a difficult morning.

٥. مَجانيقُهُ إِن تُمسِ ضِيفانَ بَلدَةٍ
يُصَبِّحنَ مَن فيها بِيوم عَصَبصَبِ

6. Ready to shoot, their arrows hit and make silent
While they are taut on their strings, never missing.

٦. مُفَوَّقَةً تَرمي فَتُصمي سِهامُها
وَهُنّ عَلى أَوتارِها لَم تَغَيَّبِ

7. So it remained for ages, a breast for every council
A throat for enemies, and a heart for every procession.

٧. فَلا زالَ طولَ الدَهرِ صَدراً لِمَجلِسٍ
وَنَحراً لِأَعداءٍ وَقَلباً لِمَوكِبِ