1. O absent one, after whom companionship is no more,
Nor have my eyes in my nights ceased from wakefulness.
١. أَيا غائِباً مِن بَعدِهِ الأُنسُ ما حَضَر
وَلا فارَقَت عَينايَ في ليلِيَ السَهَر
2. Your separation made me weep blood copiously,
For you, until I feared my sight would fail.
٢. فِراقُكَ أَبكاني الدِماءَ صَبابَةً
عَلَيكَ إِلى أَن خِفتُ أَن يَذهَبَ البَصَر
3. My day and my night are both dark, both of them,
My day without sun and my night without moon.
٣. نَهاري وَلَيلي مُظلِمانِ كِلاهُما
نَهاري بِلا شَمسٍ وَلَيلي بِلا قَمَر
4. And though lamentation be my sect and creed,
Yet am I, of all God's creation, most ardent for life.
٤. وَإِنّي وَإِن كانَ التَشَيُّعُ مَذهَبي
لأَكثَرُ خَلقِ اللَهِ شَوقاً إِلى عُمَر