
Leave the yearning, the nights of wandering lost, forget

دع الحمى وليالي الضال والعلم

1. Leave the yearning, the nights of wandering lost, forget
The days gone by, do not dwell on memories past,

١. دَعِ الحِمى وَلَيالي الضالِ وَالعَلَمِ
وَعَدِّ عَن ذِكرِ أَيّامٍ عَلى إِضَمِ

2. Speak not in praise of Nejd and those who dwell there,
Pay no visit to me, in this abode forlorn.

٢. وَلا تَقُل حَبَّذا نَجدٌ وَساكِنُهُ
وَلا تُعَرِّج عَلى سَلمى بِذي سَلَمِ

3. The daughters of the Arabs, for all their beauty famed,
Are less fair than the daughters of Turks and Persians acclaimed,

٣. قَدكَ اِتَّئِب ما بَناتُ العُربِ إِن زُهِيَت
بِالحُسنِ مِثلَ بَناتِ التُركِ وَالعَجَمِ

4. Lovely of figure, gentle in their ways, virtuous in deed,
Each a supple sapling, swaying with womanly charm.

٤. مِن كُلِّ مُرتَجَّةِ الأَردافِ لَيِّنَةِ ال
أَعطافِ مَمدوحَةِ الأَخلاقِ وَالشِيَمِ

5. A glimpse of her face or arm through her mantle's folds
Is like the sun in a tent of darkest night enclosed.

٥. تُريكَ مِن وَجهِها وَالفَرعِ حاسِرَةً
قِناعَها الشَمسَ في داجٍ مِنَ الظُّلَمِ

6. Her swaying form stirs desire in my heart for love untold,
And many the wounds those darting glances have caused my soul.

٦. تَهُزُّ من قَدِّها في الحِقفِ رُمحَ قَناً
كَم لي بِطَعناتِهِ في القَلبِ مِن أَلَمِ

7. Slender of waist, pure of heart, singing a graceful song,
Plucking the strings of the lute, fingers dancing along,

٧. هيفُ الخُصورِ نَقِيّاتُ الثُغورِ يُطَر
رِفنَ الأَصابِعَ بِالعُنّابِ وَالعَنَمِ

8. Eyes whose lids are narrow have slain me without remorse,
And nothing so surely will bring about my death before its course.

٨. إِنَّ العُيونَ الَّتي ضاقَت مَحاجِرُها
أَمضى مِنَ النُجلِ في قَتلي وَسَفكِ دَمي

9. Lips whose movements are hard to decipher or understand
Surpass in judgment the ablest writer's pen or hand,

٩. وَلِلأَغالِقِ حُكمٌ في التَغَلغُلِ لا
يَنالُهُ ناسِجٌ بِالعَرضِ وَالعِظَمِ

10. Shed no tears for me amongst the living when I am gone,
At a campsite with sheep and goats bleating all day long.

١٠. لا تَبكِ في الحَيِّ إِثرَ الظاعِنينَ أَسىً
بِعَرصَةٍ دُمِنَت بِالشاءِ وَالنَعَمِ

11. Make for the towers of thankfulness, if there you stand,
Mas'ud ibn Husam ad-Din, generous of hand,

١١. وَقِف عَلىبانياسَ الشُكرَ إِنَّ بِها
مَسعوداً بنَ حُسامِ الدينِ ذا الكَرَمِ

12. A sanctuary of kindness it is, where noble guests throng,
Like pilgrims circling the Kaaba, beloved and sanctified.

١٢. مِنهُ بِها كَعبَةُ الإِحسانِ طافَ بِها ال
عُفاةُ تطوافَ وَفدِ البَيتِ وَالحَرَمِ

13. For Sa'd ad-Din, Ibn al-Bishara, may his glory spread,
With open hand that enriches and leaves no soul unfed.

١٣. لاِبنِ البِشارَةِ سَعدِ الدينِ فَيضُ نَدىً
بِهِ يَمُدُّ يَداً تُغني عَنِ الدِيَمِ

14. His fingers can make swords, reins, paper and pens obey,
As warrior his standards are raised where armies clash in bloody fray.

١٤. يَدٌ أَنامِلُها تُهدي الفَخارَ إِلى ال
عِنانِ وَالسَيفِ وَالقِرطاسِ وَالقَلَمِ

15. Raids against the foe in multitudes he has led,
Putting many to the sword, making captives of women and babes instead,

١٥. ما زالَ في الحَربِ مَعقوداً لَهُ عَلَمٌ
وَالنَصرُ يَخدِمُهُ في مَعقَدِ العَلَمِ

16. If he met a lion in battle, midst the raging attack,
The lion would turn and flee, showing him only its back.

١٦. كَم غارَةٍ في الأَعادي شَنَّها فَدَهَت
بِالقَتلِ وَالسَبيِ وَالأَطفالِ وَالحُرَمِ

17. A true lion in might, the sun reflects his armor's sheen,
A star gives him courage, his sword like a flame is keen.

١٧. لَو بارَزَ اللَيثَ في يَومِ الهياجِ لَوَل
لَى اللَيثُ يَمنَحُهُ أَكتافَ مُنهَزِمِ

18. His coat of mail like locusts' wings all aquiver does gleam,
His blade like the rising star falls heavy, its edge is supreme.

١٨. لَيثٌ تَريكَتُهُ شَمسٌ وَلَهذَمُهُ
نَجمٌ وَصارِمُهُ نارٌ عَلى عَلَمِ

19. When I stumbled, he lifted me up from the fall I feared,
Never would he cast me down, though disaster seemed near.

١٩. وَدِرعُهُ مِثلُ أَحداقِ الجَرادِ عُيو
نُها تَرَقرَقُ ماءً غَيرَ مُنسَجِمِ

20. I thank him, my gratitude flows like Zuhair did extol,
His fame and renown in verse and song of old.

٢٠. وَطِرفُهُ أَعوَجِيٌّ لَو تُسابِقُهُ
ريحُ الجَنوبِ كَبت كَالظالِعِ الحَطِمِ

21. Ever aspiring to glory, delivering the helpless in their need,
Rescuing from oblivion, this is his way and creed.

٢١. هُوَ الَّذي اِنتاشَني مِن عَثرَةٍ كَرَبَت
حاشاهُ يَصرَعُني مِن زلَّةِ القَدَمِ

22. The mention of his father's name brings a smile to his face,
Without him, but for God, I'd be weak and abased.

٢٢. كَأَنَّني وَهوَ في شُكري مَواهِبَهُ
عِندي زُهَيرٌ وَقَد أَثنى عَلى هَرِمِ

23. Long may he live in power, honor, joy and health,
Blessed with bounty and grace, comfort and wealth.

٢٣. مُنافِسٌ في اِكتِسابِ المَجدِ دَيدَنُهُ
فَكاكُ عانٍ وَإِنقاذٌ مِنَ العَدَمِ

24. The best of gifts he sends me, ten camels proud and fine,
Their sculpted saddles a marvel, embroidered with artful design.

٢٤. مِن بِشرِهِ يَتَلَقّى بِاِسمِ والِدِهِ
مَن يَعتَفيه بِثَغرٍ مِنهُ مُبتَسِمِ